blob: 3dbc068ba7175178a6fe43c57f4d9c96fd7a45c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// The sqlinit executable creates a database on the production SQL cluster with the appropriate
// schema. It will not modify any tables (e.g. add missing indexes or change columns).
// This executable will schedule new automatic backups, so if there are existing ones, one may have
// to drop the old schedules.
package main
import (
const cockroachDBVersion = "--image=cockroachdb/cockroach:v22.2.3"
func main() {
backupBucket := flag.String("backup_bucket", "skia-gold-sql-backups", "The bucket backups should be written to. Defaults to public bucket.")
dbCluster := flag.String("db_cluster", "gold-cockroachdb:26234", "The name of the cluster")
dbName := flag.String("db_name", "", "name of database to init")
if *dbName == "" {
sklog.Fatalf("Must supply db_name")
if *dbCluster == "" {
sklog.Fatalf("Must supply db_cluster")
if *backupBucket == "" {
sklog.Fatalf("Must supply backup_bucket")
// Both k8s and cockroachdb expect database names to be lowercase.
normalizedDB := strings.ToLower(*dbName)
sklog.Infof("Creating database %s", normalizedDB)
out, err := exec.Command("kubectl", "run",
"--restart=Never", cockroachDBVersion,
"--rm", "-it", // -it forces this command to wait until it completes.
"--", "sql",
"--insecure", "--host="+*dbCluster,
"--execute=CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS "+normalizedDB,
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error while creating database %s: %s %s", normalizedDB, err, out)
sklog.Infof("Creating tables")
out, err = exec.Command("kubectl", "run",
"--restart=Never", cockroachDBVersion,
"--rm", "-it", // -it forces this command to wait until it completes.
"--", "sql",
"--insecure", "--host="+*dbCluster, "--database="+normalizedDB,
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error while creating tables: %s %s", err, out)
sklog.Infof("Deleting existing schedules, if any")
out, err = exec.Command("kubectl", "run",
"--restart=Never", cockroachDBVersion,
"--rm", "-it", // -it forces this command to wait until it completes.
"--", "sql",
"--insecure", "--host="+*dbCluster, "--database="+normalizedDB,
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error while creating tables: %s %s", err, out)
sklog.Infof("Output: %s", out)
// Make sure the drop commands really finish before creating new things.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
sklog.Infof("Creating automatic backup schedules")
out, err = exec.Command("kubectl", "run",
"--restart=Never", cockroachDBVersion,
"--rm", "-it", // -it forces this command to wait until it completes.
"--", "sql",
"--insecure", "--host="+*dbCluster,
"--execute="+getSchedules(schema.Tables{}, *backupBucket, normalizedDB, rng),
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error while creating schedules: %s %s", err, out)
func dropExistingSchedules(db string) string {
// Note that we have to escape the underscore because in a LIKE query, underscore represents
// any single character. We don't want skia_ to match skiainfra_weekly, only things like
// skia_weekly.
type backupCadence struct {
// We accept "daily", "weekly", "monthly" and apply some jitter based on those to make valid
// crontab formats for CockroachDB.
cadence string
tables []string
type jitterSource interface {
Intn(n int) int
// getSchedules returns SQL commands to create backups according to the sql_backup annotations
// on the provided type scoped to the given database name. It will group all like cadences together
// in one backup operation. It panics if any field is not a slice (i.e. not representing a row)
// or if any field is missing the sql_backup annotation. If we want a table to not be backed up,
// we must explicitly opt out by setting the cadence to "none". Jitter will be applied to the
// backups so all the daily backups don't happen at midnight, for example.
func getSchedules(inputType interface{}, gcsBucket, dbName string, rng jitterSource) string {
var schedules []*backupCadence
t := reflect.TypeOf(inputType)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
table := t.Field(i) // Fields of the outer type are expected to be tables.
if table.Type.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic(`Expected table should be a slice: ` + table.Name)
cadence, ok := table.Tag.Lookup("sql_backup")
if !ok {
panic(`Expected table should have backup cadence. Did you mean "none"? ` + table.Name)
if cadence == "none" {
found := false
for _, s := range schedules {
if s.cadence == cadence {
found = true
s.tables = append(s.tables, dbName+"."+table.Name)
if found {
schedules = append(schedules, &backupCadence{
cadence: cadence,
tables: []string{dbName + "." + table.Name},
body := strings.Builder{}
templ := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(scheduleTemplate))
for _, s := range schedules {
err := templ.Execute(&body, scheduleContext{
Cadence: s.cadence,
CadenceWithJitter: applyJitter(s.cadence, rng),
DBName: dbName,
GCSBucket: gcsBucket,
Tables: strings.Join(s.tables, ", "),
if err != nil {
return body.String()
// applyJitter randomizes a given cadence slightly to avoid all backups happening at once.
// If there is an unknown cadence, this panics. It returns a crontab format string indicating when
// the backups should occur using the provided source of random ints.
func applyJitter(cadence string, rng jitterSource) string {
m := rng.Intn(60)
// These times will be in UTC. We would like backups to happen between 11pm and 4am Eastern
// (given our current client locations). This is between 4am and 9am UTC. (a 1 hour shift during
// daylight savings time is fine).
h := rng.Intn(5) + 4
switch cadence {
case "daily":
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %d * * *", m, h)
case "weekly":
// Weekly backups happen on Sunday
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %d * * 0", m, h)
case "monthly":
// Monthly backups happen sometime within the first 28 days of the month starting at
// 4am UTC with some minute jitter because these tables are big and could take a while.
return fmt.Sprintf("%d 4 %d * *", m, rng.Intn(28)+1)
panic("Unknown cadence " + cadence)
type scheduleContext struct {
Cadence string
CadenceWithJitter string
DBName string
GCSBucket string
Tables string
const scheduleTemplate = `CREATE SCHEDULE {{.DBName}}_{{.Cadence}}
INTO 'gs://{{.GCSBucket}}/{{.DBName}}/{{.Cadence}}?AUTH=implicit'
RECURRING '{{.CadenceWithJitter}}'