
Serves the jsdoc generated documentation for the elements-sk and common-sk libraries.


jsdoc is a simple program that periodically checks out the latest version of the Skia infra repo, makes the documentation and demo pages for select folders and serves them over HTTP.

jsdoc runs in a Docker container (See the Dockerfile).

Debugging Locally

make release builds a Docker container and uploads it to GKE. One can run one of those containers locally as follows:

docker run -p 9000:8000 gcr.io/skia-public/jsdoc:2018-06-19T17_38_25Z-username-b442da2-dirty

which will map port 8000 in the container (the HTTP server) to port 9000 on the host, reachable at [localhost:9000]. Remember that the docs are built from the checked-in repo.