blob: 1e68bfe9281492d54ef3b300ac1513131f44d634 [file] [log] [blame]
package ignore
import (
// cloudIgnoreStore implements the IgnoreStore interface
type cloudIgnoreStore struct {
client *datastore.Client
recentKeysList *dsutil.RecentKeysList
revision int64
lastCpxTile types.ComplexTile
expStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore
cpxTileStream <-chan types.ComplexTile
// NewCloudIgnoreStore returns an IgnoreStore instance that is backed by Cloud Datastore.
func NewCloudIgnoreStore(client *datastore.Client, expStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore, tileStream <-chan types.ComplexTile) (IgnoreStore, error) {
if client == nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Received nil for datastore client.")
containerKey := ds.NewKey(ds.HELPER_RECENT_KEYS)
containerKey.Name = "ignore:recent-keys"
store := &cloudIgnoreStore{
client: client,
recentKeysList: dsutil.NewRecentKeysList(client, containerKey, dsutil.DefaultConsistencyDelta),
expStore: expStore,
cpxTileStream: tileStream,
return store, nil
// Create implements the IgnoreStore interface.
func (c *cloudIgnoreStore) Create(ignoreRule *IgnoreRule) error {
createFn := func(tx *datastore.Transaction) error {
key := dsutil.TimeSortableKey(ds.IGNORE_RULE, 0)
ignoreRule.ID = key.ID
// Add the new rule and put its key with the recently added keys.
if _, err := tx.Put(key, ignoreRule); err != nil {
return err
return c.recentKeysList.Add(tx, key)
// Run the relevant updates in a transaction.
_, err := c.client.RunInTransaction(context.TODO(), createFn)
// TODO(stephana): Look into removing the revision feature. I don't think
// this is really necessary going forward.
if err == nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&c.revision, 1)
return err
// List implements the IgnoreStore interface.
func (c *cloudIgnoreStore) List(addCounts bool) ([]*IgnoreRule, error) {
ctx := context.TODO()
var egroup errgroup.Group
var queriedKeys []*datastore.Key
egroup.Go(func() error {
// Query all entities.
query := ds.NewQuery(ds.IGNORE_RULE).KeysOnly()
var err error
queriedKeys, err = c.client.GetAll(ctx, query, nil)
return err
var recently *dsutil.Recently
egroup.Go(func() error {
var err error
recently, err = c.recentKeysList.GetRecent()
return err
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Error getting keys of ignore rules: %s", err)
// Merge the keys to get all of the current keys.
allKeys := recently.Combine(queriedKeys)
if len(allKeys) == 0 {
return []*IgnoreRule{}, nil
ret := make([]*IgnoreRule, len(allKeys))
if err := c.client.GetMulti(ctx, allKeys, ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
sort.Slice(ret, func(i, j int) bool { return ret[i].Expires.Before(ret[j].Expires) })
if addCounts {
var err error
c.lastCpxTile, err = addIgnoreCounts(ret, c, c.lastCpxTile, c.expStore, c.cpxTileStream)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Unable to add counts to ignore list result: %s", err)
return ret, nil
// Update implements the IgnoreStore interface.
func (c *cloudIgnoreStore) Update(id int64, rule *IgnoreRule) error {
ctx := context.TODO()
key := ds.NewKey(ds.IGNORE_RULE)
key.ID = id
_, err := c.client.Mutate(ctx, datastore.NewUpdate(key, rule))
if err == nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&c.revision, 1)
return err
// Delete implements the IgnoreStore interface.
func (c *cloudIgnoreStore) Delete(id int64) (int, error) {
if id <= 0 {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("Given id does not exist: %d", id)
deleteFn := func(tx *datastore.Transaction) error {
key := ds.NewKey(ds.IGNORE_RULE)
key.ID = id
ignoreRule := &IgnoreRule{}
if err := tx.Get(key, ignoreRule); err != nil {
return err
if err := tx.Delete(key); err != nil {
return err
return c.recentKeysList.Delete(tx, key)
// Run the relevant updates in a transaction.
_, err := c.client.RunInTransaction(context.TODO(), deleteFn)
if err != nil {
// Don't report an error if the item did not exist.
if err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
sklog.Warningf("Could not delete ignore with id %d because it did not exist", id)
return 0, nil
return 0, err
atomic.AddInt64(&c.revision, 1)
return 1, nil
// Revision implements the IgnoreStore interface.
func (c *cloudIgnoreStore) Revision() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&c.revision)
// BuildRuleMatcher implements the IgnoreStore interface.
func (c *cloudIgnoreStore) BuildRuleMatcher() (RuleMatcher, error) {
return buildRuleMatcher(c)
// TODO(kjlubick): Add unit tests to addIgnoreCounts using mocks
// addIgnoreCounts adds counts for the current tile to the given list of rules.
func addIgnoreCounts(rules []*IgnoreRule, ignoreStore IgnoreStore, lastCpxTile types.ComplexTile, expStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore, tileStream <-chan types.ComplexTile) (types.ComplexTile, error) {
if (expStore == nil) || (tileStream == nil) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Either expStore or tileStream is nil. Cannot count ignores.")
exp, err := expStore.Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ignoreMatcher, err := ignoreStore.BuildRuleMatcher()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get the next tile.
var cpxTile types.ComplexTile = nil
select {
case cpxTile = <-tileStream:
cpxTile = lastCpxTile
if cpxTile == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No tile available to count ignores")
// Count the untriaged digests in HEAD.
// matchingDigests[rule.ID]map["testname:digest"]bool
matchingDigests := make(map[int64]map[string]bool, len(rules))
rulesByDigest := map[string]map[int64]bool{}
tileWithIgnores := cpxTile.GetTile(types.IncludeIgnoredTraces)
for _, trace := range tileWithIgnores.Traces {
gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
if matchRules, ok := ignoreMatcher(gTrace.Keys); ok {
testName := gTrace.TestName()
if digest := gTrace.LastDigest(); digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST && (exp.Classification(testName, digest) == types.UNTRIAGED) {
k := string(testName) + ":" + string(digest)
for _, r := range matchRules {
// Add the digest to all matching rules.
if t, ok := matchingDigests[r.ID]; ok {
t[k] = true
} else {
matchingDigests[r.ID] = map[string]bool{k: true}
// Add the rule to the test-digest.
if t, ok := rulesByDigest[k]; ok {
t[r.ID] = true
} else {
rulesByDigest[k] = map[int64]bool{r.ID: true}
for _, r := range rules {
r.Count = len(matchingDigests[r.ID])
r.ExclusiveCount = 0
for testDigestKey := range matchingDigests[r.ID] {
// If exactly this one rule matches then account for it.
if len(rulesByDigest[testDigestKey]) == 1 {
return cpxTile, nil