blob: dc91f3b80de60361c167ceb49d3ff1a90162c99d [file] [log] [blame]
package main
// This program emulates the meta data server in GCE and is intended to be used in the Skolo.
// It is derived from infra/skolo/go/metadata_server and designed to run in Kubernetes (but that
// is not strictly necessary).
// It also incorporates the functionality of skolo/go/get_oauth2_token, uniting the fetching
// and serving the oauth tokens in a single process.
import (
const (
// APP_NAME is the name of this app.
APP_NAME = "metadata_server"
type instanceMetadataMap map[string]map[string]string
func (m instanceMetadataMap) Get(instance, key string) (string, error) {
rv, ok := m[instance][key]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unknown instance or key.")
return rv, nil
type projectMetadataMap map[string]string
func (m projectMetadataMap) Get(key string) (string, error) {
rv, ok := m[key]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Unknown key.")
return rv, nil
func main() {
// Flags.
var (
port = flag.String("port", ":8000", "HTTP service port for the web server (e.g., ':8000')")
promPort = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':10110')")
confFile = flag.String("conf", "", "Configuration file that defines which tokens should be served.")
// TODO(borenet): Load these from a file?
var pm projectMetadataMap = map[string]string{
"mykey": "myvalue",
var im instanceMetadataMap = map[string]map[string]string{
"inst": {
"mykey2": "myvalue2",
// Read the config file.
configs, err := readConfigFile(*confFile)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error reading config file %q: %s", *confFile, err)
// svcAccountTokens maps [token_file][ServiceAccountToken] and ensures there is one instance
// of ServiceAccountToken per token file. That instance is responsible for refreshing it.
svcAccountTokens := make(map[string]*skmetadata.ServiceAccountToken, len(configs))
// clientTokenMapping maps [ip | host_name | self] ServiceAccountToken.
clientTokenMapping := make(map[string]*skmetadata.ServiceAccountToken, len(configs))
for _, config := range configs {
token, ok := svcAccountTokens[config.KeyFile]
if !ok {
token, err = skmetadata.NewServiceAccountToken(config.KeyFile, true)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error retrieving service account token: %s", err)
// Start the update loop as a background process.
go token.UpdateLoop(context.Background())
svcAccountTokens[config.KeyFile] = token
// Create one entry per client which is an IP address, a hostname or 'self'.
for _, clientAddr := range config.Clients {
clientTokenMapping[clientAddr] = token
r := chi.NewRouter()
skmetadata.SetupServer(r, pm, im, clientTokenMapping)
http.Handle("/", httputils.LoggingGzipRequestResponse(r))
sklog.Infof("Ready to serve on http://localhost%s", *port)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*port, nil))