tree: 03b2b56394259c9fa5f1fb47a68d66ccaf0408f5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. catapult/
  2. internal/
  3. sample/
  4. worker/
  5. BUILD.bazel
  7. workflows.go
  8. workflows_test.go

How to run temporal workflow

Run temporal workflow on dev

  1. Connect your cloudtop to GKE cluster: ./kube/ skia-infra-public-dev
  2. Connect to the service at localhost 7233:
    kubectl port-forward service/temporal --address -n temporal 7233:7233
  3. (To test local changes) Run the worker with namespace perf-internal and taskqueue bazelisk run //pinpoint/go/workflows/worker -- --namespace perf-internal
  4. (if needed) Change workflow parameters in sample/sample.go
  5. Trigger the workflow:
    bazelisk run //pinpoint/go/workflows/sample -- --namespace=perf-internal --bisect=true
  • make sure the namespace and taskqueue matches
  • there are command line flags for which workflow you want to trigger
  1. Check the workflow status on the dev deployment here.
  • Note that workflows disappear from the landing page after 24 hours.
  • Can also view results from the archival page

You need to redo steps 3-5 if you want to run your latest local changes.

Run temporal workflow on prod (follow these steps with care)

  1. Skia breakglass (More context at go/skia-infra-iac-handbook under Breakglass Access):
    grants add --wait_for_twosync --reason="b/XYZ -- justification" skia-infra-breakglass-policy:2h
  2. Connect your cloudtop to GKE cluster belonging to one of the production instances:
    • ./kube/ skia-infra-corp
    • ./kube/ skia-infra-public
  3. Connect to the service at localhost 7233:
    kubectl port-forward service/temporal --address -n temporal 7233:7233
  4. (if needed) Change workflow parameters in sample/sample.go
  5. Trigger the workflow:
    bazelisk run //pinpoint/go/workflows/sample -- --namespace=perf-internal --taskQueue=perf.perf-chrome-public.bisect --[flag_for_workflow i.e. bisect]=true
  6. Check the workflow status:


  • For breakglass, adding a bug and a justification is required. Breakglass access is self-approved.
  • Temporal will by default use the prod workers when connecting to skia-infra-public so connecting to the worker is unnecessary.


Collect event history for workflow test replay

Temporal workflows uses event history replay to ensure that any changes to a workflow will not break any existing running workflow (called non-determinism error). Proper versioning is required to avoid non-determinism errors and replay unit tests confirm versioning is successful without deploying the change to production or running the workflow in real time.

Here is how to download the event history from a temporal workflow:

Via the temporal workflow UI

On a given temporal workflow page, you can download the event history by clicking the Download button to the right of the Event History header. Disable Decode Event History.

This method is the fastest way to get the event history. This method may break if there is a version incompatibility between the temporal UI and the server. If this occurs, either upgrade temporal until they are both compatible or try the command line method.

Via the temporal command line

  1. Connect to the dev or prod instance and turn on port forwarding as described above.
  2. Trigger the command line: bazelisk run //temporal:temporal-cli -- workflow show -w <workflow-id> -n <namespace> -o json > <filename>

You should see the event history in <filename>.

403 to chrome-swarming

Please ask the team to add you to

WriteBisectToCatapultActivity: The catapult post request failed with status code 500

Only applies to running the bisect workflow on the local dev environment.

  • Check if the bisection covered any non-chromium commits
  • See if those repositories are omitted here
  • If they are omitted, then temporal will be unable to write the UI result to the staging environment.
  • Disable the activity.

Common Temporal development pitfalls

  • All parameters must be exportable for golang to serialize the parameter into a temporal workflow or activity. i.e.
type example struct {
   key string
param := example{
   key: "value"
workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, FooActivity, param)

param will be empty.