blob: 1476c41acb63444dc77bf903b1b71f75cdf3ea4d [file] [log] [blame]
package util
import (
const kNumDecoderGoroutines = 10
// GobEncoder encodes structs into bytes via GOB encoding. Not safe for
// concurrent use.
// Here's a template for writing a type-specific encoder:
// // FooEncoder encodes Foos into bytes via GOB encoding. Not safe for
// // concurrent use.
// type FooEncoder {
// util.GobEncoder
// }
// // Next returns one of the Foox provided to Process (in arbitrary order) and
// // its serialized bytes. If any items remain, returns the item, the
// // serialized bytes, nil. If all items have been returned, returns nil, nil,
// // nil. If an error is encountered, returns nil, nil, error.
// func (e *FooEncoder) Next() (*Foo, []byte, error) {
// item, serialized, err := e.GobEncoder.Next()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, nil, err
// } else if item == nil {
// return nil, nil, nil
// }
// return item.(*Foo), serialized, nil
// }
type GobEncoder struct {
err error
items []interface{}
result [][]byte
// Process encodes the item into a byte slice that will be returned from
// Next() (in arbitrary order). Returns false if Next is certain to return an
// error. Caller must ensure item does not change until after the first call to
// Next(). May not be called after calling Next().
func (e *GobEncoder) Process(item interface{}) bool {
if e.err != nil {
return false
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(item); err != nil {
e.err = err
e.items = nil
e.result = nil
return false
e.items = append(e.items, item)
e.result = append(e.result, buf.Bytes())
return true
// Next returns one of the items provided to Process (in arbitrary order) and
// its serialized bytes. If any items remain, returns the item, the serialized
// bytes, nil. If all items have been returned, returns nil, nil, nil. If an
// error is encountered, returns nil, nil, error.
func (e *GobEncoder) Next() (interface{}, []byte, error) {
if e.err != nil {
return nil, nil, e.err
if len(e.items) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
c := e.items[0]
e.items = e.items[1:]
serialized := e.result[0]
e.result = e.result[1:]
return c, serialized, nil
// GobDecoder decodes bytes into structs via GOB decoding. Not safe for
// concurrent use.
// Here's a template for writing a type-specific decoder:
// FooDecoder decodes bytes into Foos via GOB decoding. Not safe for
// concurrent use.
// type FooDecoder struct {
// *util.GobDecoder
// }
// // NewFooDecoder returns a FooDecoder instance.
// func NewFooDecoder() *FooDecoder {
// return &FooDecoder{
// GobDecoder: util.NewGobDecoder(func() interface{} {
// return &Foo{}
// }, func(ch <-chan interface{}) interface{} {
// items := []*Foo{}
// for item := range ch {
// items = append(items, item.(*Foo))
// }
// return items
// }),
// }
// }
// // Result returns all decoded Foos provided to Process (in arbitrary order), or
// // any error encountered.
// func (d *FooDecoder) Result() ([]*Foo, error) {
// res, err := d.GobDecoder.Result()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return res.([]*Foo), nil
// }
type GobDecoder struct {
// input contains the incoming byte slices. Process() sends on this
// channel, decode() receives from it, and Result() closes it.
input chan []byte
// output contains decoded items. decode() sends on this channel,
// collect() receives from it, and run() closes it when all decode()
// goroutines have finished.
output chan interface{}
// result contains the return value of Result(). collect() sends a single
// value on this channel and closes it. Result() receives from it.
result chan interface{}
// errors contains the first error from any goroutine. It's a channel in
// case multiple goroutines experience an error at the same time.
errors chan error
newItem func() interface{}
collectImpl func(<-chan interface{}) interface{}
// NewGobDecoder returns a GobDecoder instance. The first argument is a
// goroutine-safe function which returns a zero-valued instance of the type
// being decoded, eg.
// func() interface{} {
// return &MyType{}
// }
// The second argument is a function which collects decoded instances of that
// type from a channel and returns a slice, eg.
// func(ch <-chan interface{}) interface{} {
// items := []*MyType{}
// for item := range ch {
// items = append(items, item.(*MyType))
// }
// return items
// }
func NewGobDecoder(newItem func() interface{}, collect func(<-chan interface{}) interface{}) *GobDecoder {
d := &GobDecoder{
input: make(chan []byte, kNumDecoderGoroutines*2),
output: make(chan interface{}, kNumDecoderGoroutines),
result: make(chan interface{}, 1),
errors: make(chan error, kNumDecoderGoroutines),
newItem: newItem,
collectImpl: collect,
go d.collect()
return d
// run starts the decode goroutines and closes d.output when they finish.
func (d *GobDecoder) run() {
// Start decoders.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < kNumDecoderGoroutines; i++ {
go d.decode(&wg)
// Wait for decoders to exit.
// Drain d.input in the case that errors were encountered, to avoid deadlock.
for range d.input {
// decode receives from d.input and sends to d.output until d.input is closed or
// d.errors is non-empty. Decrements wg when done.
func (d *GobDecoder) decode(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
for b := range d.input {
item := d.newItem()
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(b)).Decode(item); err != nil {
d.errors <- err
d.output <- item
if len(d.errors) > 0 {
// collect receives from d.output until it is closed, then sends on d.result.
func (d *GobDecoder) collect() {
d.result <- d.collectImpl(d.output)
// Process decodes the byte slice and includes it in Result() (in arbitrary
// order). Returns false if Result is certain to return an error. Caller must
// ensure b does not change until after Result() returns.
func (d *GobDecoder) Process(b []byte) bool {
d.input <- b
return len(d.errors) == 0
// Result returns all decoded items provided to Process (in arbitrary order), or
// any error encountered.
func (d *GobDecoder) Result() (interface{}, error) {
select {
case err := <-d.errors:
return nil, err
case result := <-d.result:
return result, nil