blob: bf313b8d849eca009fbaa4221616be9e0e53128e [file] [log] [blame]
// This package defines the logging functions (e.g. Info, Errorf, etc.).
package sklog
import (
// WE MUST CALL SetLogger in an init function; otherwise there's a very good
// chance of getting a nil pointer panic.
func init() {
// Functions to log at various levels.
// Debug, Info, Warning, Error, and Fatal use fmt.Sprint to format the
// arguments.
// Functions ending in f use fmt.Sprintf to format the arguments.
// Functions ending in WithDepth allow the caller to change where the stacktrace
// starts. 0 (the default in all other calls) means to report starting at the
// caller. 1 would mean one level above, the caller's caller. 2 would be a
// level above that and so on.
func Debug(msg ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Debug, "", msg...)
func Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Debug, format, v...)
func DebugfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1+depth, sklogimpl.Debug, format, v...)
func Info(msg ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Info, "", msg...)
func Infof(format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Info, format, v...)
func InfofWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1+depth, sklogimpl.Info, format, v...)
func Warning(msg ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Warning, "", msg...)
func Warningf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Warning, format, v...)
func WarningfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1+depth, sklogimpl.Warning, format, v...)
func Error(msg ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Error, "", msg...)
func Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Error, format, v...)
func ErrorfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1+depth, sklogimpl.Error, format, v...)
// Fatal* exits the program after logging.
func Fatal(msg ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Fatal, "", msg...)
func Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1, sklogimpl.Fatal, format, v...)
func FatalfWithDepth(depth int, format string, v ...interface{}) {
sklogimpl.Log(1+depth, sklogimpl.Fatal, format, v...)
func Flush() {