| syntax = "proto3"; |
| package louhi; |
| option go_package = "go.skia.org/infra/louhi-watcher/go/louhi"; |
| |
| // EventSource describes the source of a Notification. |
| enum EventSource { |
| PIPELINE = 0; |
| STAGE = 1; |
| } |
| |
| // EventAction describes the action which generated a Notification. |
| enum EventAction { |
| STARTED = 0; |
| FINISHED = 1; |
| FAILED = 2; |
| } |
| |
| // Notification describes a PubSub notification from Louhi. |
| message Notification { |
| string project_id = 1; |
| string flow_unique_key = 2; |
| string flow_name = 3; |
| string pipeline_execution_id = 4; |
| EventSource event_source = 5; |
| EventAction event_action = 6; |
| string link = 7; |
| string branch = 8; |
| string ref_sha = 9; |
| // We'd really prefer an enum for trigger_type, but the values don't follow |
| // a consistent format, eg. "MANUAL" and "cron-trigger", the latter of which |
| // is not a valid enum value. |
| string trigger_type = 10; |
| string started_by = 11; |
| repeated string artifact_link = 12; |
| repeated string generated_cls = 13; |
| } |