blob: 0c5caa1b68d44517510ca5c825611b1f7a184910 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package emulators contains functions to start and stop emulators, and utilities to work with the
// various *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variables.
// Unless otherwise specified, all functions in this package assume that there will be at most one
// instance of each emulator running at any given time.
package emulators
// This package uses "os/exec" as opposed to "" in order to avoid the
// following circular dependency:
// //go/exec/exec_test.go -> //go/testutils/unittest/unittest.go -> //go/emulators/emulators.go
import (
// Emulator represents a Google Cloud emulator, a test-only CockroachDB server, etc.
type Emulator string
const (
// BigTable represents a Google Cloud BigTable emulator.
BigTable = Emulator("BigTable")
BigTablePort = 8892
// CockroachDB represents a test-only CockroachDB instance.
CockroachDB = Emulator("CockroachDB")
CockroachDBPort = 8895
// Datastore represents a Google Cloud Datastore emulator.
Datastore = Emulator("Datastore")
DataStorePort = 8891
// Firestore represents a Google Cloud Firestore emulator.
Firestore = Emulator("Firestore")
FirestorePort = 8894
// PubSub represents a Google Cloud PubSub emulator.
PubSub = Emulator("PubSub")
PubSubPort = 8893
var AllEmulators = []Emulator{BigTable, CockroachDB, Datastore, Firestore, PubSub}
// GetEmulatorHostEnvVar returns the contents of the *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable
// corresponding to the given emulator, or the empty string if the environment variable is unset.
func GetEmulatorHostEnvVar(emulator Emulator) string {
return os.Getenv(GetEmulatorHostEnvVarName(emulator))
// GetEmulatorHostEnvVarName returns the name of the *_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable
// corresponding to the given emulator.
func GetEmulatorHostEnvVarName(emulator Emulator) string {
switch emulator {
case BigTable:
return BigTableEnvVar
case CockroachDB:
return CockroachDBEnvVar
case Datastore:
return DatastoreEnvVar
case Firestore:
return FirestoreEnvVar
case PubSub:
return PubSubEnvVar
panic("Unknown emulator " + emulator)
func setEmulatorHostEnvVar(emulator Emulator) error {
envVar := GetEmulatorHostEnvVarName(emulator)
var port int
switch emulator {
case BigTable:
port = BigTablePort
case CockroachDB:
port = CockroachDBPort
case Datastore:
port = DataStorePort
case Firestore:
port = FirestorePort
case PubSub:
port = PubSubPort
panic("Unknown emulator " + emulator)
return skerr.Wrap(os.Setenv(envVar, fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", port)))
func unsetAllEmulatorHostEnvVars() error {
vars := []string{BigTableEnvVar, CockroachDBEnvVar, DatastoreEnvVar, FirestoreEnvVar, PubSubEnvVar}
for _, envVar := range vars {
if err := os.Setenv(envVar, ""); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
var emulatorProcsToKill = []*regexp.Regexp{
// StopAllEmulators gracefully terminates all known emulators.
func StopAllEmulators() error {
signal := "SIGTERM"
if bazel.InBazelTestOnRBE() {
// Under Bazel and RBE, we don't need graceful termination because the RBE containers are
// ephemeral. Killing the emulators with SIGKILL is faster and simpler.
signal = "SIGKILL"
return stopAllEmulators(signal)
// ForceStopAllEmulators immediately terminates all known emulators with SIGKILL.
func ForceStopAllEmulators() error {
return stopAllEmulators("SIGKILL")
func stopAllEmulators(signal string) error {
// List all processes.
psCmd := exec.Command("ps", "aux")
var psOut bytes.Buffer
psCmd.Stdout = &psOut
if err := psCmd.Run(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Parse the output of the previous command.
lines := strings.Split(psOut.String(), "\n")
procs := make(map[string]string, len(lines))
for _, line := range lines {
fields := strings.Fields(line)
if len(fields) < 11 {
procs[line] = fields[1]
// Kill each matching process.
for _, re := range emulatorProcsToKill {
for desc, id := range procs {
if re.MatchString(desc) {
if err := exec.Command("kill", "-s", signal, id).Run(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
delete(procs, desc)
return nil