The Skia Perf Format

The Skia Perf format is a JSON file that contains measurements. For example:

  "version": 1,
  "git_hash": "cd5...663",
  "key": {
      "config": "8888",
      "arch": "x86",
  "results": [
      "measurements": {
        "key": {
          "test": "some_test_name"
        "ms": [
            "value": "min",
            "measurement": 1.2,
            "value": "max"
            "measurement": 2.4,
            "value": "median",
            "measurement": 1.5,

The format is documented here.


Each Perf data file should be stored in Google Cloud Storage in a location of the following format:

gs://<bucket>/<one or more dir names>/YYYY/MM/DD/HH/<zero or more dir names><some unique name>.json


YYYY - Year
MM - Month, e.g. 02 for February.
DD - Day, e.g.  01, 02, etc.
HH - Hour in 24 hour format, e.g. 00, 01, 02, ..., 22, 23



The Perf ingester will attempt to ingest all files below /HH/ that end in .json. Nothing about the file location or the file name is ingested as data.


  • Perf only uses the data in the file, and does not parse the GCS file location to get data.
  • The YYYY/MM/DD/HH should represent the time the file was written, not the time the data was gathered.
  • Perf is robust to duplicate data, i.e. a file written at a later time can contain data that will replace data that has appeared in an older file. Where ‘older’ and ‘newer’ are defined in terms of the data/time in the GCS file path.
  • See IngestionConfig for configuring the ingestion of new data.