[gold] Initial cluster-page-sk

Explicit changes from old version:
 - The cluster selection is limited to the query and the toggles.
   In the old version the right-hand side query (and all the other
   filters) could be applied, but I don't think that really makes
   sense for clustering. Those filters are fine when you are
   thinking about two digests, but don't apply in an obvious
   way for N digests. So, I've removed them.
 - Dragging nodes around is not supported. It makes things simpler,
   and we probably don't need it.
 - The query params to the cluster page are different and no longer
   coupled to the query params passed to the backend RPC call.
   This will require changes to places that link in. Idea: have
   a given page export helpers for how to make a link to that
   appropriate page.
 - There's no tabbing for showing a details and a params. It's one
   or the other depending on what is selected. Also, the layout is
   a little different to hopefully be more gentle on narrower screens.

Changes that could/should/will still be implemented:
 - bulk triage selected digests
 - clicking on summarizing paramset should do something to cluster.
 - Have the cluster-digests-sk take up more horizontal space (with some
   forces to keep it more in view).
 - Hide filter button on search-controls-sk via a property.

Note: Current PageObject(Element) did not seem sufficient for
dealing with clicking the svg stuff. Instead, I shared the click
and shiftClick methods, which seems to work ok despite this.

Bug: skia:9525
Change-Id: Ic1d18b50f6ee547b54e2524ee96ec79fd8188acf
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/buildbot/+/301005
Reviewed-by: Leandro Lovisolo <lovisolo@google.com>
11 files changed
tree: c81effeb7bf6adb447669cbc3d7ef4a6f6d128db
  1. am/
  2. android_compile/
  3. android_ingest/
  4. android_stats/
  5. api/
  6. autoroll/
  7. bash/
  8. blamer/
  9. chromeextensions/
  11. contestk/
  12. cq_watcher/
  13. ct/
  14. datahopper/
  15. debugger/
  16. debugger-assets/
  17. demos/
  18. docker/
  19. docker_pushes_watcher/
  20. docs/
  21. docserverk/
  22. dot/
  23. ds/
  24. fiddlek/
  25. firestore/
  26. get_service_account/
  27. git_cookie_authdaemon/
  28. gitsync/
  29. go/
  30. gold-client/
  31. golden/
  32. hashtag/
  33. html-template-minifier/
  34. infra/
  35. infra-sk/
  36. jsdoc/
  37. jsfiddle/
  38. k8s-checker/
  39. kube/
  40. leasing/
  41. licenses/
  42. machine/
  43. make/
  44. particles/
  45. perdiff/
  46. perf/
  47. periodic-trigger/
  48. power/
  49. proberk/
  50. promk/
  51. pulld/
  52. puppeteer-tests/
  53. push/
  54. res/
  55. scripts/
  56. sheriff_emails/
  57. sk8s/
  58. skbug/
  59. skfe/
  60. skolo/
  61. skottie/
  62. status/
  63. task_driver/
  64. task_scheduler/
  65. tools/
  66. tree_status/
  67. trybot_updater/
  68. velero/
  69. webtools/
  70. .eslintrc.js
  71. .gitattributes
  72. .gitignore
  73. .mocharc.json
  74. build_infra_prod.sh
  75. cipd.ensure
  76. codereview.settings
  77. DATASTORE.md
  78. DEPS
  79. go.mod
  80. go.sum
  81. launch.md
  83. Makefile
  84. package-lock.json
  85. package.json
  86. PRESUBMIT.py
  88. README.md
  89. run_unittests
  90. run_unittests.go
  92. tools.go
  93. whitespace.txt

Skia-Buildbot Repository

This repo contains infrastructure code for Skia.

Getting the Source Code

The main source code repository is a Git repository hosted at https://skia.googlesource.com/buildbot.git. It is possible to check out this repository directly with git clone or via go get.

Using git clone allows you to work in whatever directory you want. You will still need to set GOPATH in order to build some apps (recommended to put this in a cache dir). E.g.:

$ cd ${WORKDIR}
$ git clone https://skia.googlesource.com/buildbot.git
$ export GOPATH=${HOME}/.cache/gopath/$(basename ${WORKDIR})
$ mkdir $GOPATH
$ cd buildbot

Using go get will fetch the repository into your GOPATH directory along with all the Go dependencies. You will need to set GOPATH and GO111MODULE=on. E.g.:

$ export GOPATH=${WORKDIR}
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ go get -u -t go.skia.org/infra/...
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/go.skia.org/infra/

Note: go.skia.org is a custom import path and will only work if used like the examples here.

Install Node.js (not as root) and add the bin dir to your path. Optionally run npm install npm -g, as suggested by the npm getting started doc.

Install other dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install python-django
$ go get -u github.com/kisielk/errcheck \
  golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports \
$ npm install -g polylint bower

Build ~everything:

$ make all

Generated Code

Some code is generated using go generate with external binaries. First, install the version of protoc referenced in the asset creation script and ensure it is on your PATH before other versions of protoc.

Install the necessary go packages:

$ go get -u \
  github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go \
  golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer \
  google.golang.org/grpc \

To generate code run in this directory:

$ go generate ./...

Running unit tests

Install Cloud SDK.

Use this command to run the presubmit tests:

$ ./run_unittests --small