blob: d5ca67c1732afbc18dca92de153302a5e5932a8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Abstracts out the server component in app.html.
var DebugCanvas = {
// setBreakpoint runs the skp starting at opOffset until the pixel
// located at (x,y) changes.
// Returns a promise that resolves with information on the changed pixel:
// {
// "startColor":[255,79,54,200],
// "endColor":[255,144,206,1],
// "endOp":340
// }
setBreakpoint: function(opOffset, x, y) {
return sk.get("./break/" + opOffset + "/" + x + "/" + y).then(JSON.parse);
// getInfo returns a promise that resolves with information on
// the view matrix and clip rect of the form:
// {
// "ViewMatrix":[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],
// "ClipRect":[0,0,256,256],
// }
getInfo: function(index) {
if (index === undefined) {
return sk.get("./info").then(JSON.parse);
} else {
return sk.get("./info/" + index).then(JSON.parse);
// getCmd returns a promise that resolves to a list of all the commands
// and the current state of the canvas:
// {
// mode: "cpu",
// drawGpuOpBounds: false,
// colorMode: 0,
// version: 1,
// commands: [{command: "BeginDrawPicture", visible: true}, ...]
// }
getCmd: function() {
return sk.get("./cmd").then(JSON.parse);
// Sets the clip.
// b is a boolean.
// Return a promise that resolves when the change is complete.
setClip: function(b) {
var alpha = b ? 128 : 0;
return"./clipAlpha/" + alpha);
// toggleOp turns the op at index off or on based on the boolean 'b'.
// Returns a promise that resolved when the change is complete.
toggleOp: function(index, b) {
var value = b ? "1" : "0";
return"./cmd/" + index + "/" + value, "");
// setColorMode sets the color mode where mode is an integer, one of:
// 0 = Linear 32-bit
// 1 = sRGB 32-bit
// 2 = Linear half-precision float
// Returns a promise that resolved when the change is complete.
setColorMode: function(mode) {
return"./colorMode/" + mode, "");
// setGPU turns on or off the GPU based on the boolean b.
// Returns a promise that resolved when the change is complete.
setGPU: function(b) {
return"./enableGPU/" + (b ? 1 : 0), "");
// setGPUBounds turn on or off the display of the GPU bounds.
// Returns a promise that resolved when the change is complete.
setGPUBounds: function (b) {
return"./gpuOpBounds/" + (b ? 1 : 0), "");