RPi Management With Kubernetes

To scale our deployment of Android and iPhone test devices we need an easier and faster way to deploy, manage, and monitor RPis and their attached devices.

This design presumes that the jupmhost management outlined in DESIGN is complete. The RPis will be added to the k3s cluster managed by the jumphost.


This image is the image that runs swarming on the RPi. It contains most of the same machinery that the current RPi bots contain.

  • /start_swarming decides to start swarming_bot.zip or download it via bootstrap.py.
  • /opt/swarming/bootstrap.py bootstraps the copy of swarming_bot.zip
  • /etc/swarming_config/oauth2_access_token_config.json tells swarming where to get auth tokens.
  • /usr/bin/bot_config is our Go application that replaces the functionality of bot_config.py.

The image runs as root and in privileged mode so that it can run adb.

The rpi-swarming-client image is run as a daemonset so that each and every RPi runs just one copy of the image. See the YAML file for the selectors that also stop it from running on the jumphost.