Cluster Telemetry Deployment & Maintenance Guide

The target audience for this document includes Google employees on the Skia infra team. Other Googlers can request access to the tools and resources mentioned here by contacting skiabot@. Access is not available to non-Googlers, but you could create your own setup if desired.


General overview of CT is available here.

Code locations

Frontend server code lives in:

  • go/ctfe/...
  • go/ctfe_migratedb/...
  • res/...
  • templates/...
  • elements.html
  • package.json
  • sys/...

To build the frontend server, use make ctfe. To create a new DEB for push, use MESSAGE="<release message>" make ctfe_release.

The frontend DB schema is defined in go/db/db.go.

Master code lives in:

  • go/master_scripts/...
  • go/poller/...
  • go/frontend/...
  • py/...

To build the master binaries, use make master_scripts. The poller automatically runs git pull and make all to update the master scripts before running any tasks, so changes will be live as soon as they are committed; the next task to start will run the updated code. The poller itself must be updated manually; see below.

Worker code lives in go/worker_scripts/...

To build the worker binaries, use make worker_scripts. Master scripts run git pull and make all on all slaves before starting the worker scripts.

Prober config is in ../prober/probers.json. Alerts config is in ../alertserver/alerts.cfg.

Running locally


To set up or upgrade the CTFE DB, run

make ctfe && ctfe_migratedb --local=true \
  --logtostderr \
  --ctfe_db_host=localhost \

Occasionally you may find it useful to downgrade the local DB; specify the --target_version flag to achieve this. Run mysql -u root -D ctfe to access the DB using SQL.

To start a local server, run:

make ctfe_debug && ctfe --local=true \
  --logtostderr \
  --ctfe_db_host=localhost \
  --port=:8000 \
  --ctfe_db_user=readwrite \
  --host=<your hostname>

You can then access the server at localhost:8000 or <your hostname>

The host argument is optional and allows others to log in to your server. Initially you will get an error when logging in; follow the instructions on the error page. The host argument will also be included in metrics names.

To test prober config changes, edit the config in ../prober/probers.json to point to localhost:8000, then run make && prober --alsologtostderr --use_metadata=false from ../prober/.

To check metrics from a locally running server or prober, use Prometheus.


The master poller and master scripts require a /b directory containing various repos and files. To create and set up this directory, run ./tools/ and follow the instructions at the end. (The script assumes you are a Googler running Goobuntu.)

To run the master poller in dry-run mode (not very useful), run

make poller && poller --local=true \
  --alsologtostderr \
  --dry_run \

To run master scripts locally, you may want to modify the code to skip steps or exit early, e.g.:

diff --git a/ct/go/master_scripts/build_chromium/main.go b/ct/go/master_scripts/build_chromium/main.go
index 1c5c273..34ceb3a 100644
--- a/ct/go/master_scripts/build_chromium/main.go
+++ b/ct/go/master_scripts/build_chromium/main.go
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ func main() {
        // Ensure webapp is updated and completion email is sent even if task fails.
        defer updateWebappTask()
        defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
+       if 1 == 1 {
+               time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
+               taskCompletedSuccessfully = true
+               return
+       }
        // Cleanup tmp files after the run.
        defer util.CleanTmpDir()
        // Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
  • Master scripts include build_chromium, capture_archives_on_workers, capture_skps_on_workers, create_pagesets_on_workers, run_chromium_perf_on_workers, and run_lua_on_workers.

You can run the poller as:

make poller && poller --local=true \
  --alsologtostderr \


The Makefile has examples of running the worker scripts locally.

TODO(benjaminwagner): Add local flag and kill e2e_tests from Makefile.

Running in prod


The CTFE DB is a Cloud SQL instance named ctfe. The IP address of this instance is the default value of the --ctfe_db_host argument. The DB is created/upgraded automatically with an ExecStartPre configuration in sys/ctfe.service.

The frontend runs on a GCE instance named skia-ctfe. There are scripts to create and delete this instance in ../compute_engine_scripts/ctfe/.

As mentioned above, to create a new DEB for CTFE, use MESSAGE="<release message>" make ctfe_release. To deploy this DEB to the skia-ctfe instance, use push. Systemd will automatically restart the service after the update is installed, based on the configuration in sys/ctfe.service. You can then see the updated frontend at

To access skia-ctfe directly, use gcloud compute ssh default@skia-ctfe --zone us-central1-c.

Frontend logs are available via the link from push.


The poller and master scripts run on skia-ct-master in the skia-buildbots Google cloud project. See here for how the GCE instance is setup and here for how the poller is started.

To stop the poller safely, check that the CTFE task queue is empty and then stop ct-masterd in skia-ct-master on push.

Changes to master scripts and worker scripts will be picked up for the next task execution after the change is committed.


Worker scripts are normally automatically updated and run via the master scripts. However, from time to time, it may be necessary to perform maintenance tasks on all worker machines. In this case, the run_on_swarming_bots script can be used to update all CT bots.

Other maintenance

Updating pagesets

TODO(rmistry): Where do CSV files come from, where to put in GS.

Access to Golo

Follow instructions here for basic security key and .ssh/config setup.

Run ssh -p 2150 skia-telemetry-ssh@chromegw and use the password stored on Valentine as “Chrome Labs (b5) - skia-telemetry-ssh”. Then follow these instructions to add your gnubby public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on vm0-m5 (please take care to append rather than overwrite).

Add the following to your .ssh/config:

Host *5.golo
  ProxyCommand ssh -p 2150 -oPasswordAuthentication=no skia-telemetry-ssh@chromegw nc %p

Run ssh build101-m5.golo and use the password stored on Valentine as “skia-telemetry-chrome-bot”. Add your gnubby public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on build101-m5 as well.

You can now use ssh build101-m5.golo and tap your security key twice to log in without a password (although you will need enter your security key password once per powercycle). This setup does not require prodaccess.