blob: 371c20f0eb65a85feb66228f953a716923aaf3a2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-env browser, mocha */
/* eslint arrow-body-style: ["off", "as-needed"] */
import './index';
import { commits, traces } from './demo_data';
import {
} from './constants';
import { setUpElementUnderTest } from '../test_util';
describe('dots-sk constants', () => {
it('DOT_FILL_COLORS has the expected number of entries', () => {
it('DOT_FILL_COLORS_HIGHLIGHTED has the expected number of entries', () => {
it('DOT_STROKE_COLORS has the expected number of entries', () => {
describe('dots-sk', () => {
const newInstance = setUpElementUnderTest('dots-sk');
let dotsSk;
beforeEach(() => {
dotsSk = newInstance((el) => {
// All test cases use the same set of traces and commits.
el.value = traces;
el.commits = commits;
it('renders correctly', () => {
// We specify the traces as an array and then join them instead of using a string literal
// to avoid having invisible (but important to the test) trailing spaces.
' bb-b-bbaa--aaaa ',
' ccccbbbbbbaaaa',
it('highlights traces when hovering', async () => {
// Hover over first trace. (X coordinate does not matter.)
await hoverOverDot(dotsSk, 0, 0);
' bb-b-bbaa--aaaa ',
' ccccbbbbbbaaaa',
// Hover over second trace.
await hoverOverDot(dotsSk, 15, 1);
' ccccbbbbbbaaaa',
// Hover over third trace.
await hoverOverDot(dotsSk, 10, 2);
' bb-b-bbaa--aaaa ',
it('emits "hover" event when a trace is hovered', async () => {
// Hover over first trace. (X coordinate does not matter.)
let event = await hoverOverDotAndCatchHoverEvent(dotsSk, 0, 0);
// Hover over second trace.
event = await hoverOverDotAndCatchHoverEvent(dotsSk, 15, 1);
// Hover over third trace.
event = await hoverOverDotAndCatchHoverEvent(dotsSk, 10, 2);
it('emits "showblamelist" event when a dot is clicked', async () => {
// First trace, most recent commit.
let event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 19, 0);
// First trace, middle-of-the-tile commit.
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 10, 0);
// First trace, oldest commit.
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 0, 0);
// Second trace, most recent commit with data
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 17, 1);
// Second trace, middle-of-the-tile dot preceded by two missing dots.
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 14, 1);
expect(event.detail).to.deep.equal([commits[14], commits[13], commits[12]]);
// Second trace, oldest commit with data preceded by three missing dots.
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 3, 1);
[commits[3], commits[2], commits[1], commits[0]],
// Third trace, most recent commit.
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 19, 2);
// Third trace, middle-of-the-tile commit.
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 10, 2);
// Third trace, oldest commit.
event = await clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, 6, 2);
// Returns an ASCII-art representation of the canvas based on function
// dotToAscii.
function canvasToAscii(dotsSk) {
const ascii = [];
for (let y = 0; y < traces.traces.length; y++) {
const trace = [];
for (let x = 0; x < traces.tileSize; x++) {
trace.push(dotToAscii(dotsSk, x, y));
return ascii.join('\n');
// Returns a character representing the dot at (x, y) in dotspace.
// - A trace line is represented with '-'.
// - A non-highlighted dot is represented with a character in {'a', 'b', ...},
// where 'a' represents the dot color for the most recent commit.
// - A highlighted dot is represented with a character in {'A', 'B', ...}.
// - A blank position is represented with ' '.
function dotToAscii(dotsSk, x, y) {
const canvasX = dotToCanvasX(x);
const canvasY = dotToCanvasY(y);
// Sample a few pixels (north, east, south, west, center) from the bounding
// box for the potential dot at (x, y). We'll use these to determine whether
// there's a dot or a trace line at (x, y), what the color of the dot is,
// whether or not it's highlighted, etc.
const n = pixelAt(dotsSk, canvasX, canvasY - DOT_RADIUS);
const e = pixelAt(dotsSk, canvasX + DOT_RADIUS, canvasY);
const s = pixelAt(dotsSk, canvasX, canvasY + DOT_RADIUS);
const w = pixelAt(dotsSk, canvasX - DOT_RADIUS, canvasY);
const c = pixelAt(dotsSk, canvasX, canvasY);
// Determines whether the sampled pixels match the given expected colors.
const exactColorMatch = (en, ee, es, ew, ec) => {
return [n, e, s, w, c].toString() === [en, ee, es, ew, ec].toString();
// Is it empty?
const white = '#FFFFFF';
if (exactColorMatch(white, white, white, white, white)) {
return ' ';
// Is it a trace line?
if (exactColorMatch(white, TRACE_LINE_COLOR, white, TRACE_LINE_COLOR, TRACE_LINE_COLOR)) {
return '-';
// Iterate over all possible dot colors.
for (let i = 0; i <= MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS; i++) {
// Is it a dot of the i-th color? Let's look at the pixels in the potential
// circumference of the dot. Do they match the current color?
// Note: we look for the closest match instead of an exact match due to
// canvas anti-aliasing.
if (closestColor(n, DOT_STROKE_COLORS) === DOT_STROKE_COLORS[i]
&& closestColor(e, DOT_STROKE_COLORS) === DOT_STROKE_COLORS[i]
&& closestColor(s, DOT_STROKE_COLORS) === DOT_STROKE_COLORS[i]
&& closestColor(w, DOT_STROKE_COLORS) === DOT_STROKE_COLORS[i]) {
// Is it a non-highlighted dot? (In other words, is it filled with the
// corresponding non-highlighted color?)
if (c === DOT_FILL_COLORS[i]) {
return 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[i];
// Is it a highlighted dot? (In other words, is it filled with the
// corresponding highlighted color?)
throw `unrecognized dot at (${x}, ${y})`;
// Returns the color for the pixel at (x, y) in the canvas, represented as a hex
// string, e.g. "#AABBCC".
function pixelAt(dotsSk, x, y) {
const pixel = dotsSk._ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
const r = pixel[0].toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
const g = pixel[1].toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
const b = pixel[2].toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
return `#${r}${g}${b}`.toUpperCase();
// Finds the color in the haystack with the minimum Euclidean distance to the
// needle. This is necessary for pixels in the circumference of a dot due to
// canvas anti-aliasing. All colors are hex strings, e.g. "#AABBCC".
function closestColor(needle, haystack) {
return haystack
.map((color) => ({ color: color, dist: euclideanDistanceSq(needle, color) }))
.reduce((acc, cur) => ((acc.dist < cur.dist) ? acc : cur))
// Takes two colors represented as hex strings (e.g. "#AABBCC") and computes the
// squared Euclidean distance between them.
function euclideanDistanceSq(color1, color2) {
const rgb1 = hexToRgb(color1);
const rgb2 = hexToRgb(color2);
return (rgb1[0] - rgb2[0]) ** 2 + (rgb1[1] - rgb2[1]) ** 2 + (rgb1[2] - rgb2[2]) ** 2;
// Takes e.g. "#FF8000" and returns [256, 128, 0].
function hexToRgb(hex) {
// Borrowed from
const res = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return [
parseInt(res[1], 16),
parseInt(res[2], 16),
parseInt(res[3], 16),
// Returns a promise that will resolve when the given dots-sk instance emits the
// given event. The promise resolves to the caught event object.
function dotsSkEventPromise(dotsSk, event) {
let resolve;
const promise = new Promise((_resolve) => { resolve = _resolve; });
const handler = (e) => {
dotsSk.removeEventListener(event, handler);
dotsSk.addEventListener(event, handler);
return promise;
// Simulate hovering over a dot.
async function hoverOverDot(dotsSk, x, y) {
dotsSk._canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousemove', {
clientX: dotsSk._canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left + dotToCanvasX(x),
clientY: dotsSk._canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top + dotToCanvasY(y),
// Give mousemove event a chance to be processed. Necessary due to how
// mousemove events are processed in batches by dots-sk every 40 ms.
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 50));
// Simulate hovering over a dot, and return the "hover" CustomEvent emitted by
// the dots-sk instance.
async function hoverOverDotAndCatchHoverEvent(dotsSk, x, y) {
const eventPromise = dotsSkEventPromise(dotsSk, 'hover');
await hoverOverDot(dotsSk, x, y);
return eventPromise;
// Simulate clicking on a dot.
function clickDot(dotsSk, x, y) {
dotsSk._canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {
clientX: dotsSk._canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left + dotToCanvasX(x),
clientY: dotsSk._canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top + dotToCanvasY(y),
// Simulate clicking on a dot, and return the "showblamelist" CustomElement
// emitted by the dots-sk instance.
async function clickDotAndCatchShowCommitsEvent(dotsSk, x, y) {
const eventPromise = dotsSkEventPromise(dotsSk, 'showblamelist');
clickDot(dotsSk, x, y);
return eventPromise;