blob: 7750aa4e0567e7187c79501542c6c10256dbba60 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module named-fiddle-sk
* @description <h2><code>named-fiddle-sk</code></h2>
* Represents a single named fiddle with controls
* for manipulating it.
* @evt named-edit - Sent when the user presses the edit button.
* The event detail will be the current state of the named
* fiddle.
* @evt named-delete - Sent when the user presses the delete button.
* The event detail will be the current state of the named
* fiddle.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define'
import { html, render } from 'lit-html'
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons'
function statusValue(ele) {
return ele._state.status !== '' ? 'Failed' : '';
function statusClass(ele) {
return ele._inflight ? 'inflight' : 'status';
const template = (ele) => html`<span class=name><a href='${ele._state.hash}'>${}</a></span>
<span class=${statusClass(ele)} title=${ele._state.status}>${statusValue(ele)}</span>
<button @click=${ele._editClick}>Edit</button>
<button @click=${ele._deleteClick}>Delete</button>
<span class=user>${ele._state.user}</span>
define('named-fiddle-sk', class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._state = {
name: '',
status: '',
hash: '',
user: '',
this._inflight = false;
_editClick() {
let detail = Object.assign({}, this._state);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('named-edit', { detail: detail, bubbles: true }));
_deleteClick() {
let detail = Object.assign({}, this._state);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('named-delete', { detail: detail, bubbles: true }));
/** @prop state {object} A serialized Named struct. */
get state() { return this._state }
set state(val) {
this._state = val;
/** @prop inflight {Boolean} Is there a request inflight to determine if this fiddle is still invalid. */
get inflight() { return this._inflight }
set inflight(val) {
this._inflight = val;
connectedCallback() {
_render() {
render(template(this), this, {eventContext: this});