blob: 0f14e2454a3e5a82d7ec3203c17dec3f53e649b3 [file] [log] [blame]
import './index.js'
import { $, $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom'
import { changelistSummaries_5, empty } from './test_data'
import { expectNoUnmatchedCalls } from '../test_util'
describe('changelists-page-sk', () => {
const { fetchMock, MATCHED, UNMATCHED } = require('fetch-mock');
// A reusable HTML element in which we create our element under test.
const container = document.createElement('div');
beforeEach(function() {
// Clear out any query params we might have to not mess with our current state.
history.pushState(null, '', window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?');
beforeEach(function() {
// These are the default offset/page_size params
fetchMock.get('/json/changelists?offset=0&size=50', JSON.stringify(changelistSummaries_5));
afterEach(function() {
// Completely remove the mocking which allows each test
// to be able to mess with the mocked routes w/o impacting other tests.
afterEach(function() {
container.innerHTML = '';
// calls the test callback with an element under test 'ele'.
// We can't put the describes inside the whenDefined callback because
// that doesn't work on Firefox (and possibly other places).
function createElement(test) {
return window.customElements.whenDefined('changelists-page-sk').then(() => {
container.innerHTML = `<changelists-page-sk></changelists-page-sk>`;
function whenPageLoads(test) {
// The changelists-page-sk emits an 'end-task' event when each fetch finishes.
// For now, there is only one, but this logic may have to be tweaked if we
// do multiple.
let ran = false;
let ele = null;
const fn = (e) => {
// reset for next time
container.removeEventListener('end-task', fn);
if (!ran) {
ran = true; // prevent multiple runs if the test makes the
// app go busy (e.g. if it calls fetch).
// add the listener and then create the element to make sure we don't miss
// the busy-end event. The busy-end event should trigger when all fetches
// are done and the page is rendered.
container.addEventListener('end-task', fn);
createElement((e) => {
ele = e;
//===============TESTS START====================================
describe('html layout', () => {
it('should make a table with 5 rows in the body', (done) => {
whenPageLoads((ele) => {
const tbl = $$('table', ele);
const rows = $('tbody tr');
expect(rows.length).to.equal(5); // one row per item in changelistSummaries_5
}); // end describe('html layout')
describe('api calls', () => {
it('includes pagination params in request to changelists', (done) => {
whenPageLoads((ele) => {
fetchMock.get('/json/changelists?offset=100&size=10', JSON.stringify(empty));
// pretend these were loaded in via stateReflector
ele._offset = 100;
ele._page_size = 10;
ele._fetch().then(() => {
}); // end describe('api calls')