blob: 7db65e87e6d402872f3c7469b99fbf4e0d9c6cae [file] [log] [blame]
package resolver
import (
const (
// gazelleExtensionName is the extension name passed to Gazelle.
// This name can be used to enable or disable this Gazelle extension via the --lang flag, e.g.
// $ bazel run gazelle -- update --lang go,frontend
gazelleExtensionName = "frontend"
// packageJsonPath is the path to the package.json file used by the npm_install rule in the
// workspace file. This path is relative to the workspace root directory.
packageJsonPath = "package.json"
// Resolver implements the resolve.Resolver interface.
// Interface documentation:
// Resolver is an interface that language extensions can implement to resolve
// dependencies in rules they generate.
type Resolver struct {
// sassImportsToDeps maps Sass imports to the rules that provide those imports.
sassImportsToDeps map[string]map[ruleKindAndLabel]bool
// tsImportsToDeps maps TypeScript imports to rules that provide those imports.
tsImportsToDeps map[string]map[ruleKindAndLabel]bool
// npmPackages is the set of NPM dependencies and devDependencies read from the package.json file.
npmPackages map[string]bool
// ruleAKindAndLabel is a (rule kind, rule label) pair (e.g. "ts_library", "//path/to:my_ts_lib").
type ruleKindAndLabel struct {
kind string
label label.Label
// noRuleKindAndLabel is the zero value of ruleKindAndLabel. Used as a sentinel value when no rule
// is found.
var noRuleKindAndLabel = ruleKindAndLabel{}
// indexImportsProvidedByRule indexes the imports provided by the given rule. The rule can be later
// obtained from an import via the findRuleThatProvidesImport method.
func (rslv *Resolver) indexImportsProvidedByRule(lang string, importPaths []string, ruleKind string, ruleLabel label.Label) {
if lang != "sass" && lang != "ts" {
log.Panicf("Unknown language: %q.", lang)
if rslv.sassImportsToDeps == nil {
rslv.sassImportsToDeps = map[string]map[ruleKindAndLabel]bool{}
if rslv.tsImportsToDeps == nil {
rslv.tsImportsToDeps = map[string]map[ruleKindAndLabel]bool{}
importsToDeps := rslv.sassImportsToDeps
if lang == "ts" {
importsToDeps = rslv.tsImportsToDeps
for _, importPath := range importPaths {
if importsToDeps[importPath] == nil {
importsToDeps[importPath] = map[ruleKindAndLabel]bool{}
rkal := ruleKindAndLabel{kind: ruleKind, label: ruleLabel}
importsToDeps[importPath][rkal] = true
// findRuleThatProvidesImport returns the rule that provides the given import, provided it was
// indexed via an earlier call to indexImportsProvidedByRule.
func (rslv *Resolver) findRuleThatProvidesImport(lang string, importPath string, fromRuleKind string, fromRuleLabel label.Label) ruleKindAndLabel {
if lang != "sass" && lang != "ts" {
log.Panicf("Unknown language: %q.", lang)
importsToDeps := rslv.sassImportsToDeps
if lang == "ts" {
importsToDeps = rslv.tsImportsToDeps
var candidates []ruleKindAndLabel
if importsToDeps[importPath] != nil {
for c := range importsToDeps[importPath] {
candidates = append(candidates, c)
if len(candidates) == 0 {
gazelleIgnoreMsg := ""
if lang == "ts" {
gazelleIgnoreMsg = `; if this is expected, add "// gazelle:ignore" at the end of the import statement to make this warning go away`
log.Printf("Could not find any rules that satisfy import %q from %s (%s)%s", importPath, fromRuleLabel, fromRuleKind, gazelleIgnoreMsg)
return noRuleKindAndLabel
if len(candidates) > 1 {
log.Printf("Multiple rules satisfy import %q from %s (%s): %s (%s), %s (%s)", importPath, fromRuleLabel, fromRuleKind, candidates[0].label, candidates[0].kind, candidates[1].label, candidates[1].kind)
return noRuleKindAndLabel
return candidates[0]
// Name implements the resolve.Resolver interface.
// Interface documentation:
// Name returns the name of the language. This should be a prefix of the
// kinds of rules generated by the language, e.g., "go" for the Go extension
// since it generates "go_library" rules.
func (rslv *Resolver) Name() string {
return gazelleExtensionName
// Imports implements the resolve.Resolver interface.
// Imports extracts and indexes the imports provided by the given rule. Gazelle calls this method
// once for each rule in the repository that this Gazelle extension understands (i.e. all front-end
// rules).
// For example, if Imports is passed a ts_library rule with label "//path/to:my_lib" and sources
// "foo.ts" and "bar.ts", then presumably said rule could satisfy TypeScript imports such as
// "import * from 'path/to/foo'" or "import 'path/to/bar'". In this example, Imports should return
// a slice with two resolve.ImportSpec structs, one for each of "path/to/foo" and "path/to/bar".
// Gazelle uses the returned resolve.ImportSpec structs to build a resolve.RuleIndex struct, which
// maps imports (e.g. "path/to/foo") to the labels of the rules that provide them (e.g.
// "//path/to:my_lib"). This index is passed to the Resolve method (implemented below), in which we
// resolve the dependencies of all the rules generated by this Gazelle extension (i.e. we populate
// their deps attributes).
// However, the resolve.RuleIndex struct is insufficient to resolve the dependencies of rules such
// as sk_element, which has multiple types of dependencies (ts_deps, sass_deps, sk_element_deps).
// We need to know the kind of a dependency (e.g. "ts_library", "sass_library", "sk_element"), in
// addition to its label, before we can add it to one of the *_deps arguments, but the
// resolve.RuleIndex struct only provides the latter.
// For this reason, this Gazelle extension ignores the resolve.RuleIndex struct. Instead, we build
// our own index with all the information we need (see fields sassImportsToDeps and
// tsImportsToDeps).
// Therefore, this method always returns an empty slice, which results in an empty
// resolve.RuleIndex, but that is OK because we do not use it.
func (rslv *Resolver) Imports(c *config.Config, r *rule.Rule, f *rule.File) []resolve.ImportSpec {
ruleLabel := label.New(c.RepoName, f.Pkg, r.Name())
switch r.Kind() {
case "ts_library":
importPaths := extractTypeScriptImportsProvidedByRule(f.Pkg, r, "srcs")
rslv.indexImportsProvidedByRule("ts", importPaths, r.Kind(), ruleLabel)
case "sass_library":
importPaths := extractSassImportsProvidedByRule(f.Pkg, r, "srcs")
rslv.indexImportsProvidedByRule("sass", importPaths, r.Kind(), ruleLabel)
case "sk_element":
tsImportPaths := extractTypeScriptImportsProvidedByRule(f.Pkg, r, "ts_srcs")
sassImportPaths := extractSassImportsProvidedByRule(f.Pkg, r, "sass_srcs")
rslv.indexImportsProvidedByRule("ts", tsImportPaths, r.Kind(), ruleLabel)
rslv.indexImportsProvidedByRule("sass", sassImportPaths, r.Kind(), ruleLabel)
return nil
// extractTypeScriptImportsProvidedByRule takes a rule with TypeScript sources (e.g. "ts_library",
// "sk_element", etc.) and returns the paths of the imports that the source files may satisfy.
func extractTypeScriptImportsProvidedByRule(pkg string, r *rule.Rule, srcsAttr string) []string {
var importPaths []string
for _, src := range r.AttrStrings(srcsAttr) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(src, ".ts") {
log.Printf("Rule %s of kind %s contains a non-TypeScript file in its %s attribute: %s", label.New("", pkg, r.Name()).String(), r.Kind(), srcsAttr, src)
importPaths = append(importPaths, path.Join(pkg, strings.TrimSuffix(src, path.Ext(src))))
// An index.ts file may also be imported as its parent folder's "main" module:
// // The two following imports are equivalent.
// import 'path/to/module/index';
// import 'path/to/module';
// Reference:
if src == "index.ts" {
importPaths = append(importPaths, pkg)
return importPaths
// extractTypeScriptImportsProvidedByRule takes a rule with Sass sources (e.g. "sass_library",
// "sk_element", etc.) and returns the paths of the imports that the source files may satisfy.
func extractSassImportsProvidedByRule(pkg string, r *rule.Rule, srcsAttr string) []string {
var importPaths []string
for _, src := range r.AttrStrings(srcsAttr) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(src, ".scss") && !strings.HasSuffix(src, ".css") {
log.Printf("Rule %s of kind %s contains a non-Sass file in its %s attribute: %s", label.New("", pkg, r.Name()).String(), r.Kind(), srcsAttr, src)
importPaths = append(importPaths, path.Join(pkg, strings.TrimSuffix(src, path.Ext(src))))
return importPaths
// Embeds implements the resolve.Resolver interface.
func (rslv *Resolver) Embeds(*rule.Rule, label.Label) []label.Label { return nil }
// Resolve implements the resolve.Resolver interface.
// Resolve takes a (rule, ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) pair generated by Language.GenerateRules()
// and resolves the rule's dependencies based on its imports. It populates the rule's deps argument
// (or ts_deps, sass_deps and sk_element_deps arguments in the case of sk_element and sk_page rules)
// with the result of mapping each import to the label of a rule that provides the import. It does
// so by leveraging the index built in the Imports method.
// Gazelle calls this method once for each (rule, ImportsParsedFromRuleSources) pair generated by
// successive calls to Language.GenerateRules(). Gazelle calls this method after all imports in the
// repository have been indexed via successive calls to the Imports method.
func (rslv *Resolver) Resolve(c *config.Config, _ *resolve.RuleIndex, _ *repo.RemoteCache, r *rule.Rule, imports interface{}, from label.Label) {
importsFromRuleSources := imports.(common.ImportsParsedFromRuleSources)
switch r.Kind() {
case "karma_test":
case "nodejs_test":
case "sk_element_puppeteer_test":
case "ts_library":
var deps []label.Label
for _, importPath := range importsFromRuleSources.GetTypeScriptImports() {
for _, ruleKindAndLabel := range rslv.resolveDepsForTypeScriptImport(r.Kind(), from, importPath, c.RepoRoot) {
deps = append(deps, ruleKindAndLabel.label)
setDeps(r, from, "deps", deps)
case "sass_library":
var deps []label.Label
for _, importPath := range importsFromRuleSources.GetSassImports() {
ruleKindAndLabel := rslv.resolveDepForSassImport(r.Kind(), from, importPath)
if ruleKindAndLabel == noRuleKindAndLabel {
continue // No rule satisfies the current Sass import. A warning has already been logged.
dep := ruleKindAndLabel.label
if ruleKindAndLabel.kind == "sk_element" {
// Ensure that the target name is explicit ("//my/package:package" vs "//my/package") before
// appending the known suffix for the sass_library target generated by the sk_element macro.
if dep.Name == "" {
dep.Name = dep.Pkg
dep.Name = dep.Name + "_styles"
deps = append(deps, dep)
setDeps(r, from, "deps", deps)
case "sk_element":
case "sk_page":
var skElementDeps, tsDeps, sassDeps []label.Label
for _, importPath := range importsFromRuleSources.GetTypeScriptImports() {
for _, ruleKindAndLabel := range rslv.resolveDepsForTypeScriptImport(r.Kind(), from, importPath, c.RepoRoot) {
if ruleKindAndLabel.kind == "sk_element" {
skElementDeps = append(skElementDeps, ruleKindAndLabel.label)
} else {
tsDeps = append(tsDeps, ruleKindAndLabel.label)
for _, importPath := range importsFromRuleSources.GetSassImports() {
ruleKindAndLabel := rslv.resolveDepForSassImport(r.Kind(), from, importPath)
if ruleKindAndLabel == noRuleKindAndLabel {
continue // No rule satisfies the current Sass import. A warning has already been logged.
if ruleKindAndLabel.kind == "sk_element" {
skElementDeps = append(skElementDeps, ruleKindAndLabel.label)
} else {
sassDeps = append(sassDeps, ruleKindAndLabel.label)
setDeps(r, from, "sk_element_deps", skElementDeps)
setDeps(r, from, "ts_deps", tsDeps)
setDeps(r, from, "sass_deps", sassDeps)
// setDeps sets the dependencies of a rule.
func setDeps(r *rule.Rule, l label.Label, depsAttr string, deps []label.Label) {
var depsAsStrings []string
for _, dep := range deps {
dep = dep.Rel(l.Repo, l.Pkg)
// Filter out self-imports (e.g. when an sk_element has files index.ts and foo-sk.ts, and file
// foo-sk.ts is imported from index.ts).
if dep.Relative && dep.Name == r.Name() {
depsAsStrings = append(depsAsStrings, dep.String())
if len(depsAsStrings) > 0 {
depsAsStrings = util.SSliceDedup(depsAsStrings)
r.SetAttr(depsAttr, depsAsStrings)
// resolveDepForSassImport returns the label of the rule that resolves the given Sass import.
// Due to the way rules_js works, we do not support Sass and CSS imports directly from NPM.
// Instead, please use the copy_file_from_npm_pkg Bazel macro to create a local copy of those
// files, then import them as if they were regular source files.
// Note that any such files added to a sass_library's "srcs" attribute or to a sk_element's
// "sass_srcs" attribute should include a "# keep" comment, or Gazelle will delete them. Example:
// sass_library(
// name = "my_lib",
// srcs = [
// "my_lib.scss",
// "stylesheet_copied_from_npm.css", # keep
// ],
// )
// For details, please see the copy_file_from_npm_pkg macro docstring.
func (rslv *Resolver) resolveDepForSassImport(ruleKind string, ruleLabel label.Label, importPath string) ruleKindAndLabel {
// Sass always resolves imports relative to the current file first, so we normalize the import
// path relative to the current directory, e.g. "../bar" imported from "myapp/foo" becomes
// "myapp/bar".
// Reference:
normalizedImportPath := path.Join(ruleLabel.Pkg, strings.TrimSuffix(importPath, path.Ext(importPath)))
return rslv.findRuleThatProvidesImport("sass", normalizedImportPath, ruleKind, ruleLabel)
// resolveDepsForTypeScriptImport returns the labels of the rules that resolve the given TypeScript
// import.
// If the import refers to an NPM package with a separate types declaration (e.g. "foo" and
// "@types/foo"), the labels for both dependencies will be returned.
func (rslv *Resolver) resolveDepsForTypeScriptImport(ruleKind string, ruleLabel label.Label, importPath string, repoRootDir string) []ruleKindAndLabel {
// Is this an import of another source file in the repository?
if strings.HasPrefix(importPath, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(importPath, "../") {
// Normalize the import path, e.g. "../bar" imported from "myapp/foo" becomes "myapp/bar".
normalizedImportPath := path.Join(ruleLabel.Pkg, importPath)
rkal := rslv.findRuleThatProvidesImport("ts", normalizedImportPath, ruleKind, ruleLabel)
if rkal == noRuleKindAndLabel {
return nil
return []ruleKindAndLabel{rkal}
// The import must be either an NPM package or a built-in Node.js module.
var moduleScope, moduleName, fullyQualifiedModuleName string
if strings.HasPrefix(importPath, "@") {
parts := strings.Split(importPath, "/")
moduleScope = parts[0] // e.g. @scope/my-module/foo/bar => @scope
moduleName = parts[1] // e.g. @scope/my-module/foo/bar => my-module
fullyQualifiedModuleName = moduleScope + "/" + moduleName // e.g. @scope/my-module/foo/bar => @scope/my-module
} else {
moduleName = strings.Split(importPath, "/")[0] // e.g. my-module/foo/bar => my-module
fullyQualifiedModuleName = moduleName
// Is this an import from an NPM package?
if npmPackages := rslv.getNPMPackages(filepath.Join(repoRootDir, packageJsonPath)); npmPackages[fullyQualifiedModuleName] {
var rkals []ruleKindAndLabel
// Add as dependencies both the module and its type annotations package, if it exists.
rkals = append(rkals, ruleKindAndLabel{
kind: "", // This dependency is not a rule (e.g. ts_library), so we leave the rule kind blank.
label: label.New("" /* =repo */, "" /* =pkg */, "node_modules/"+fullyQualifiedModuleName), // e.g. //:node_modules/puppeteer
// We assume that scoped packages (e.g. @google-web-components/google-chart) include type
// annotations. If this ceases to be true, we will have to update the below ruleKindAndLabel.
if moduleScope == "" {
typesModuleName := "@types/" + moduleName // e.g. @types/my-module
if npmPackages[typesModuleName] {
rkals = append(rkals, ruleKindAndLabel{
kind: "", // This dependency is not a rule (e.g. ts_library), so we leave the rule kind blank.
label: label.New("" /* =repo */, "" /* =pkg */, "node_modules/"+typesModuleName), // e.g. //:node_modules/@types/puppeteer
return rkals
// Is this a built-in Node.js module?
if builtInNodeJSModules[moduleName] {
// Nothing to do - no need to add built-in modules as explicit dependencies.
return nil
log.Printf("Unable to resolve import %q from %s (%s): no %q NPM package or built-in module found.", importPath, ruleLabel, ruleKind, moduleName)
return nil
// getNPMPackages returns the set of NPM dependencies found in the package.json file.
func (rslv *Resolver) getNPMPackages(path string) map[string]bool {
if rslv.npmPackages != nil {
return rslv.npmPackages
var packageJSON struct {
Dependencies map[string]string `json:"dependencies"`
DevDependencies map[string]string `json:"devDependencies"`
// Read in and unmarshall package.json file.
b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Error reading file %q: %v", path, err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &packageJSON); err != nil {
log.Panicf("Error parsing %s: %v", path, err)
// Extract all NPM packages found in the package.json file.
rslv.npmPackages = map[string]bool{}
for pkg := range packageJSON.Dependencies {
rslv.npmPackages[pkg] = true
for pkg := range packageJSON.DevDependencies {
rslv.npmPackages[pkg] = true
return rslv.npmPackages
// builtInNodeJSModules is a set of built-in Node.js modules.
// This set can be regenerated via the following command:
// $ echo "require('module').builtinModules.forEach(m => console.log(m))" | nodejs
// See
var builtInNodeJSModules = map[string]bool{
"_http_agent": true,
"_http_client": true,
"_http_common": true,
"_http_incoming": true,
"_http_outgoing": true,
"_http_server": true,
"_stream_duplex": true,
"_stream_passthrough": true,
"_stream_readable": true,
"_stream_transform": true,
"_stream_wrap": true,
"_stream_writable": true,
"_tls_common": true,
"_tls_wrap": true,
"assert": true,
"async_hooks": true,
"buffer": true,
"child_process": true,
"cluster": true,
"console": true,
"constants": true,
"crypto": true,
"dgram": true,
"dns": true,
"domain": true,
"events": true,
"fs": true,
"http": true,
"http2": true,
"https": true,
"inspector": true,
"module": true,
"net": true,
"os": true,
"path": true,
"perf_hooks": true,
"process": true,
"punycode": true,
"querystring": true,
"readline": true,
"repl": true,
"stream": true,
"string_decoder": true,
"sys": true,
"timers": true,
"tls": true,
"trace_events": true,
"tty": true,
"url": true,
"util": true,
"v8": true,
"vm": true,
"wasi": true,
"worker_threads": true,
"zlib": true,
var _ resolve.Resolver = &Resolver{}