tree: 8355f5522f1fd67156a730bf7fe672ebcbcb51a1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cmd_runner/
  2. rebootwebserver/

Switching servos with Arduino

cmd_runner contains a simple Arduino program that listens to commands sent over the serial/USB connection. The main command is ‘reset’ which will initate a reset procedure by switcing a servo. See the source of cmd_runner for details.


Install the Arduino IDE on Linux via

$ apt-get intall arduino

and then run ‘arduino’ from the command line. This will open the Arduino IDE where you can open the cmd_runner program.

Attach the Arduino board and upload the program. See for more documentation.

Downloading and Installing Libraries

The Servo shield requires the Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library

Download the release from GitHub, extract it and rename the folder to Adafruit_PWMServoDriver. Then, place it in the libraries folder of your Arduino IDE installation. Restart the IDE.