blob: cf7dadaf5ec34a51bf7d1c95211b3743535381b9 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// diffEnv provides the environment for the diff command.
type diffEnv struct {
inputFile string
test string
corpus string
instanceID string
outDir string
workDir string
// getDiffCmd returns the definition of the diff command.
func getDiffCmd() *cobra.Command {
env := &diffEnv{}
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "diff",
Short: "Compute the diff to the closest known image",
Long: `
Downloads all images for a given test and compares them to the provided image.
Outputs the closest of these images and the diff to the given folder.
Run: env.runDiffCmd,
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&env.inputFile, "input", "", "path to file to diff")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&env.test, "test", "", "Test name")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&env.corpus, "corpus", "", "Corpus name")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&env.instanceID, "instance", "", "Instance (e.g. 'chrome', 'flutter')")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&env.outDir, "out-dir", "", "Work directory that will contain the output")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&env.workDir, fstrWorkDir, "", "Work directory for intermediate results")
// Everything is required for this command.
return cmd
// runDiffCmd executes the diff logic for comparing a given image against all that Gold knows.
func (d *diffEnv) runDiffCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
auth, err := goldclient.LoadAuthOpt(d.workDir)
ifErrLogExit(cmd, err)
if auth == nil {
logErrf(cmd, "Auth is empty - did you call goldctl auth first?")
exitProcess(cmd, 1)
config := goldclient.GoldClientConfig{
InstanceID: d.instanceID,
WorkDir: d.workDir,
// overwrite any existing configs in this workdir.
goldClient, err := goldclient.NewCloudClient(auth, config)
ifErrLogExit(cmd, err)
err = goldClient.Diff(context.Background(), types.TestName(d.test), d.corpus, d.inputFile, d.outDir)
ifErrLogExit(cmd, err)