Pdfium Installer

The scripts in this directory allow to manage the version of PDFium that is being used.

build_pdfium.sh checks out pdfium and builds the commit contained in pdfium-build.commit. After a successful build it will genrate the MD5-hash of the executable and upload the executable (with the MD5 hash in it's name) to Google Storage. It will also update the pdfium.md5 file with the new hash.

install_pdfium.sh downloads the pdfium_test executable that corresponds to the hash in pdfium.md5 and saves it in ${GOPATH}/bin under the assumption that directory is in the current path.

To update the version of pdfium_test follow these steps:

  • Update the pdfium-build.commit file with the desired commit from the pdfium repository.
  • Run the build_pdfium.sh script, which will update the pdfium.md5 file.
  • Upon success commit the changed files.