blob: 1c9dd3858cd83564e7033434f8b0f1bfe8235fb6 [file] [log] [blame]
Used by the Android Compile Server to interact with the cloud datastore.
package main
import (
type CompileTask struct {
Issue int `json:"issue"`
PatchSet int `json:"patchset"`
Hash string `json:"hash"`
LunchTarget string `json:"lunch_target"`
MMMATargets string `json:"mmma_targets"`
Checkout string `json:"checkout"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Completed time.Time `json:"completed"`
WithPatchSucceeded bool `json:"withpatch_success"`
NoPatchSucceeded bool `json:"nopatch_success"`
WithPatchLog string `json:"withpatch_log"`
NoPatchLog string `json:"nopatch_log"`
IsMasterBranch bool `json:"is_master_branch"`
Done bool `json:"done"`
Error string `json:"error"`
InfraFailure bool `json:"infra_failure"`
type CompileTaskAndKey struct {
task *CompileTask
key *datastore.Key
type sortTasks []*CompileTaskAndKey
func (a sortTasks) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a sortTasks) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a sortTasks) Less(i, j int) bool {
return a[i].task.Created.Before(a[j].task.Created)
func GetCompileTasksAndKeys() ([]*CompileTaskAndKey, []*CompileTaskAndKey, error) {
waitingTasksAndKeys := []*CompileTaskAndKey{}
runningTasksAndKeys := []*CompileTaskAndKey{}
it := GetPendingTasks()
for {
t := &CompileTask{}
datastoreKey, err := it.Next(t)
if err == iterator.Done {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve list of tasks: %s", err)
taskAndKey := &CompileTaskAndKey{task: t, key: datastoreKey}
if t.Checkout == "" {
waitingTasksAndKeys = append(waitingTasksAndKeys, taskAndKey)
} else {
runningTasksAndKeys = append(runningTasksAndKeys, taskAndKey)
return waitingTasksAndKeys, runningTasksAndKeys, nil
func GetCompileTasks() ([]*CompileTask, []*CompileTask, error) {
waitingTasksAndKeys, runningTasksAndKeys, err := GetCompileTasksAndKeys()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
waitingTasks := []*CompileTask{}
for _, taskAndKey := range waitingTasksAndKeys {
waitingTasks = append(waitingTasks, taskAndKey.task)
runningTasks := []*CompileTask{}
for _, taskAndKey := range runningTasksAndKeys {
runningTasks = append(runningTasks, taskAndKey.task)
return waitingTasks, runningTasks, nil
func DatastoreInit(project string, ns string, ts oauth2.TokenSource) error {
return ds.InitWithOpt(project, ns, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
func GetPendingTasks() *datastore.Iterator {
q := ds.NewQuery(ds.COMPILE_TASK).EventualConsistency().Filter("Done =", false)
return ds.DS.Run(context.TODO(), q)
func GetNewDSKey() *datastore.Key {
return ds.NewKey(ds.COMPILE_TASK)
func GetDSTask(taskID int64) (*datastore.Key, *CompileTask, error) {
key := ds.NewKey(ds.COMPILE_TASK)
key.ID = taskID
task := &CompileTask{}
if err := ds.DS.Get(context.TODO(), key, task); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving task from Datastore: %v", err)
return key, task, nil
func PutDSTask(ctx context.Context, k *datastore.Key, t *CompileTask) (*datastore.Key, error) {
return ds.DS.Put(ctx, k, t)
func UpdateDSTask(ctx context.Context, k *datastore.Key, t *CompileTask) (*datastore.Key, error) {
return ds.DS.Put(ctx, k, t)