blob: c96f6579d7f068bdc411e81c0f729b984e5b5e3d [file] [log] [blame]
package types
import "time"
// Task represents a leasing task.
type Task struct {
Requester string `json:"requester"`
OsType string `json:"osType"`
DeviceType string `json:"deviceType"`
InitialDurationHrs string `json:"duration"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
LeaseStartTime time.Time `json:"leaseStartTime"`
LeaseEndTime time.Time `json:"leaseEndTime"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Done bool `json:"done"`
WarningSent bool `json:"warningSent"`
EmailThreadingReference string `json:"emailThreadingReference"`
TaskIdForIsolates string `json:"taskIdForIsolates"`
SwarmingPool string `json:"pool"`
SwarmingBotId string `json:"botId"`
SwarmingServer string `json:"swarmingServer"`
SwarmingTaskId string `json:"swarmingTaskId"`
SwarmingTaskState string `json:"swarmingTaskState"`
DatastoreId int64 `json:"datastoreId"`
// Left for backwards compatibility but no longer used.
Architecture string `json:"architecture"`
SetupDebugger bool `json:"setupDebugger"`
// PoolDetails contains map of OS types to the count of bots in each OS type.
// Eg: {"Android": 84, "ChromOS": 4, ...}
// Also contains map of OS types to Device types to the count of bots in each
// device type. Eg: {"Android" : {"P30": 4, "Pixel4XL": 8, ...}}
type PoolDetails struct {
OsTypes map[string]int `json:"os_types"`
OsToDeviceTypes map[string]map[string]int `json:"os_to_device_types"`
// ExtendTaskRequest is the request used by the extend task endpoint.
type ExtendTaskRequest struct {
TaskID int64 `json:"task"`
DurationHrs int `json:"duration"`
// ExpireTaskRequest is the request used by the expire task endpoint.
type ExpireTaskRequest struct {
TaskID int64 `json:"task"`