blob: bdcbc41ef09ebe39f45298f29ee34e1a8efc21aa [file] [log] [blame]
import './index';
import 'elements-sk/error-toast-sk';
import { fetchMock } from '@bundled-es-modules/fetch-mock';'/_/count/',
// Wait 1s before returning the content so we can see the spinner in action.
async () => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(() => res({ count: Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000) }), 1000)));
fetchMock.get('/_/initpage/?tz=America/New_York', () => ({
dataframe: {
traceset: null,
header: null,
paramset: {
arch: [
bench_type: [
browser: [
clip: [
compiled_language: [
compiler: [
config: [
configuration: [
cpu_or_gpu: [
skip: 0,
ticks: [],
skps: [],
msg: '',
}));'/_/cidRange/', () => [
offset: 43389,
author: 'Avinash Parchuri (',
message: '3a543aa - 23h 34m - Reland "[skottie] Add onTextProperty support into ',
url: '',
hash: '3a543aafd4e68af182ef88572086c094cd63f0b2',
ts: 1565099441,
offset: 43390,
author: 'Robert Phillips (',
message: 'bdb0919 - 21h 15m - Use GrComputeTightCombinedBufferSize in GrMtlGpu::',
url: '',
hash: 'bdb0919dcc6a700b41492c53ecf06b40983d13d7',
ts: 1565107798,
offset: 43391,
author: 'Hal Canary (',
message: 'e45bf6a - 20h 33m - experimental/editor: interface no longer uses stri',
url: '',
hash: 'e45bf6a603b7990f418eaf19ef0e2a2e59a9f449',
ts: 1565110328,
fetchMock.get('', () => ({
Email: '',
ID: '110642259984599645813',
LoginURL: '',
IsAGoogler: true,
IsAdmin: true,
IsEditor: false,
IsViewer: true,