blob: 5a706b3524801aa0238f7483e9dbd80c0e53267c [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview A custom element that loads a patch based on provided CL or
* manually entered git diff.
* @attr {string} patchType - Specifies the project for the patch. Must be
* set. Supported values include "chromium" and "skia".
* @event cl-description-changed - Any time a different (or invalid) CL is
* loaded
* @event patch-changed - Any time the patch changed, either due to loading a
* new CL patchset, or manual editing of the patch field.
import 'elements-sk/icon/delete-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/cancel-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/check-circle-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/help-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/spinner-sk';
import 'elements-sk/toast-sk';
import '../../../infra-sk/modules/confirm-dialog-sk';
import '../../../infra-sk/modules/expandable-textarea-sk';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { fromObject } from 'common-sk/modules/query';
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow';
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { errorMessage } from 'elements-sk/errorMessage';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import * as ctfe_utils from '../ctfe_utils';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import '../input-sk';
const template = (ele) => html`
<input-sk @input=${ele._clChanged}
label="Please paste a complete Gerrit URL"></input-sk>
<div class=cl-detail-container>
<div class="cl-detail">
<spinner-sk alt="Loading CL details"></spinner-sk>
<div class="cl-detail">
<a href=${ele._clUrl()} target=_blank>${ele._formattedClData()}</a>
<span class="cl-error">${ele._formattedClError()}</span>
<td colspan=3 class=patch-manual>
<expandable-textarea-sk displaytext="Specify Patch Manually" @input=${ele._patchChanged}>
define('patch-sk', class extends ElementSk {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this._spinner = $$('spinner-sk', this);
_clChanged(e) {
const newValue =; = newValue;
if (!newValue || newValue.length < 3) {
this._clData = null;
this._clDescription = this._formattedClDescription(); = false;
} = true;
const queryParams = { cl: newValue };
const url = '/_/cl_data?' + `${fromObject(queryParams)}`;
fetch(url, { method: 'POST' })
.then((json) => {
// If the response is for the value still present in the input we
// apply it.
if ( === newValue) {
if ( {
this._clData = json;
const patch = this._clData[`${this.patchType}_patch`];
if (!patch) {
this._clData = { error: { message: `This is not a ${this.patchType} CL.` } };
} else {
this.patch = patch;
} else {
this._clData = null;
.catch((err) => {
if ( === newValue) {
this._clData = { error: err };
.finally(() => {
if ( === newValue) {
this.clDescription = this._formattedClDescription(); = false;
* @returns {boolean} True if a patch is successfully loaded.
* Trigger errorMessage event otherwise.
validate() {
if ( && !this._clData) {
return false;
if ( && !this.patch) {
return false;
return true;
* @prop {string} cl - Raw value of the CL input.
get cl() {
return this._cl || '';
set cl(val) {
this._cl = val;
* @prop {string} clDescription - Human readable description of CL. Fires
* 'cl-description-changed' with detail { clDescription: <new desc> } event on
* change.
get clDescription() {
return this._clDescription || '';
set clDescription(val) {
this._clDescription = val;
// shadow dom, do we need composed: true?
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cl-description-changed',
{ bubbles: true, detail: { clDescription: val } }));
* @prop {string} patch - The patch, either retrieved from the CL or
* manually entered/modified.
get patch() {
return $$('expandable-textarea-sk', this).value || '';
set patch(val) {
$$('expandable-textarea-sk', this).value = val;
* @prop {string} patchType - Specifies the project for the patch. Must be
* set. Possible values include "chromium" and "skia". Mirrors the attribute.
get patchType() {
return this.getAttribute('patchType');
set patchType(val) {
this.setAttribute('patchType', val);
_clUrl() {
if (this._clData && !this._clData.error) {
return this._clData.url;
return 'javascript:void(0);';
_formattedClData() {
if (this._clData && !this._clData.error) {
return `${this._clData.subject} (modified `
+ `${ctfe_utils.getFormattedTimestamp(this._clData.modified)})`;
return '';
_formattedClError() {
if (this._clData && this._clData.error) {
return this._clData.error.message || JSON.stringify(this._clData.error);
return '';
_formattedClDescription() {
if (this._clData && !this._clData.error) {
return `${this._clUrl()} (${this._clData.subject})`;
return '';
_clLoadError() {
errorMessage(`Unable to load ${this.patchType} CL ${}`
+ '. Please specify patches manually.');
_patchFetchError() {
errorMessage(`Unable to fetch ${this.patchType} patch from CL ${}`
+ '. Please specify patches manually.');
_patchChanged() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('patch-changed',
{ bubbles: true, detail: { patch: this.patch } }));