blob: f4523d6bbbc5fd2a3c6e348bf01ecbd496d582d5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Creates the service account used by the Leasing server, and export a key for
# it into the kubernetes cluster as a secret.
# Afterwards, the steps on are
# needed to hook the service account up to swarming.
set -e -x
source ../kube/
source ../bash/
# New service account we will create.
cd /tmp/ramdisk
gcloud --project=${PROJECT_ID} iam service-accounts create "${SA_NAME}" --display-name="Service account for Leasing Server"
gcloud beta iam service-accounts keys create ${SA_NAME}.json --iam-account="${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_SUBDOMAIN}"
kubectl create secret generic "${SA_NAME}" --from-file=key.json=${SA_NAME}.json
cd -