blob: 32ed05847d7b7b16e87b1964b6edae09f7af7cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// dumpEnv provides the environment for the dump command.
type dumpEnv struct {
flagDumpHashes bool
flagDumpBaseline bool
flagWorkDir string
// getDumpCmd returns the definition of the dump command.
func getDumpCmd() *cobra.Command {
env := &dumpEnv{}
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "dump",
Short: "Output information about the tests/images",
Long: `
Output information such as the baselines and known hashes
that have been downloaded from the server.
Only has output after goldctl imgtest init or goldctl imgtest add
has been run.
Run: env.runDumpCmd,
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&env.flagDumpHashes, "hashes", false, "Dump the (potentially long) list of hashes that have been seen before.")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&env.flagDumpBaseline, "baseline", true, "Dump the baseline.")
// add the workdir flag and make it required
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&env.flagWorkDir, fstrWorkDir, "", "Work directory for intermediate results")
return cmd
func (d *dumpEnv) runDumpCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
ctx := cmd.Context()
// Dump executes the dump logic - it loads the work dir from disk and dumps out the information.
func (d *dumpEnv) Dump(ctx context.Context) {
ctx = loadAuthenticatedClients(ctx, d.flagWorkDir)
// the user is presumed to have called init first, so we can just load it
goldClient, err := goldclient.LoadCloudClient(d.flagWorkDir)
ifErrLogExit(ctx, err)
if d.flagDumpBaseline {
b, err := goldClient.DumpBaseline()
ifErrLogExit(ctx, err)
logInfof(ctx, "Baseline:\n%s\n", b)
if d.flagDumpHashes {
h, err := goldClient.DumpKnownHashes()
ifErrLogExit(ctx, err)
logInfof(ctx, "Known Hashes:\n%s\n", h)
exitProcess(ctx, 0)