blob: 82308e00e46e4683c3884e598086e2297b9f8898 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @module golden/test_util
* @description
* <p>
* A general set of useful functions for tests and demos,
* e.g. reducing boilerplate.
* </p>
* Returns a promise that will resolve when the given DOM event is caught at the
* document's body element, or reject if the event isn't caught within the given
* amount of time.
* Sample usage:
* // Code under test.
* function doSomethingThatTriggersCustomEvent() {
* ...
* this.dispatchEvent(
* new CustomEvent('my-event', {detail: 'hello world', bubbles: true});
* }
* // Test.
* it('should trigger a custom event', async () => {
* const myEvent = eventPromise('my-event');
* doSomethingThatTriggersCustomEvent();
* const ev = await myEvent;
* expect(ev.detail).to.equal('hello world');
* });
* Set timeoutMillis = 0 to skip call to setTimeout(). This is necessary on
* tests that simulate the passing of time with sinon.useFakeTimers(), which
* could trigger the timeout before the promise has a chance to catch the event.
* @param event {string} Name of event to catch.
* @param timeoutMillis {number} How long to wait for the event before rejecting
* the returned promise.
* @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve to the caught event.
export function eventPromise(event, timeoutMillis = 5000) {
const eventCaughtCallback = (resolve, _, e) => resolve(e);
const timeoutCallback =
(_, reject) =>
reject(new Error(`timed out after ${timeoutMillis} ms ` +
`while waiting to catch event "${event}"`));
return buildEventPromise(
event, timeoutMillis, eventCaughtCallback, timeoutCallback);
* Returns a promise that will resolve if the given DOM event is *not* caught at
* the document's body element after the given amount of time, or reject if the
* event is caught.
* Useful for testing code that emits an event based on some condition.
* Sample usage:
* // Code under test.
* function maybeTriggerCustomEvent(condition) {
* if (condition) {
* this.dispatchEvent(
* new CustomEvent('my-event', {detail: 'hello world', bubbles: true});
* } else {
* // Do nothing.
* }
* }
* // Test.
* it('should not trigger a custom event', async () => {
* const noEvent = noEventPromise('my-event');
* maybeTriggerCustomEvent(false);
* await noEvent;
* });
* Set timeoutMillis = 0 to skip call to setTimeout(). This is necessary on
* tests that simulate the passing of time with sinon.useFakeTimers(), which
* could trigger the timeout before the promise has a chance to catch the event.
* @param event {string} Name of event to catch.
* @param timeoutMillis {number} How long to wait for the event before rejecting
* the returned promise.
* @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve to the caught event.
export function noEventPromise(event, timeoutMillis = 200) {
const eventCaughtCallback = (_, reject) =>
reject(new Error(`event "${event}" was caught when none was expected`));
const timeoutCallback = (resolve, _) => resolve();
return buildEventPromise(
event, timeoutMillis, eventCaughtCallback, timeoutCallback);
* Helper function to construct promises based on DOM events.
* @param event {string} Name of event to add a listener for at document.body.
* @param timeoutMillis {number} Milliseconds to wait before timing out.
* @param eventCaughtCallback {Function} Called when the event is caught with
* parameters (resolve, reject, event), where resolve and reject are the
* functions passed to the promise's executor function, and event is the
* Event object that was caught.
* @param timeoutCallback Called after timeoutMillis if no event is caught, with
* arguments (resolve, reject) as passed to eventCaughtCallback.
* @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve or reject based exclusively on
* what the callback functions do with the resolve and reject parameters.
function buildEventPromise(
event, timeoutMillis, eventCaughtCallback, timeoutCallback) {
// The executor function passed as a constructor argument to the Promise
// object is executed immediately. This guarantees that the event handler
// is added to document.body before returning.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let timeout;
const handler = (e) => {
document.body.removeEventListener(event, handler);
eventCaughtCallback(resolve, reject, e);
// Skip setTimeout() call with timeoutMillis = 0. Useful when faking time in
// tests with sinon.useFakeTimers(). See
if (timeoutMillis !== 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
document.body.removeEventListener(event, handler);
timeoutCallback(resolve, reject);
}, timeoutMillis);
document.body.addEventListener(event, handler);
* Asserts that there the given string exactly matches the current query string
* of the url bar. For example, expectQueryStringToEqual('?foo=bar&foo=orange');
export function expectQueryStringToEqual(expected) {