SkiaPerf Server

Reads Skia performance data from databases and serves interactive dashboards for easy exploration and annotations.

Server Setup

Please refer to compute_engine_scripts/perfserver/README under the repo for instructions on creating and destroying the instance. The rest of this document is what to do once the instance is created.

Do the first time

The following things only need to be done once.

  1. SSH into the server as default.
  2. sudo apt-get install git
  3. git clone
  4. cd ~/buildbot/perf/setup
  5. ./

Change /etc/monit/monitrc to:

set daemon 2

then run the following so it applies:

sudo /etc/init.d/monit restart

This means that monit will poll every two seconds that our application is up and running.


Secrets that we need at runtime are stored in the metadata server.

The current set of metadata required is:

  • apikey - The API Key found on this page Used for access to the project hosting API.

  • readwrite - The MySQL readwrite password. Stored in http://valentine, search for “skiaperf”.

  • cookiesalt - A bit of entropy to use for hashing the users email address in the cookie as used for login. Store in http://valentine, search for “skiaperf”.

  • clientid and clientsecret - The Client ID and Secret used in the OAuth flow for login. The values come from the following page, which is also the place to set valid Redirect URLs.

  • skiaperf-com-key, skiaperf-com-pem - The TLS/SSL secrets for These are stored in the project meta data. See below about managing SSL certificates.

  • skiagold-com-key, skiagold-com-pem - The TLS/SSL secrets for These are stored in the project meta data. See below about managing SSL certificates.

To set a specific metadata value for an instance use:

gcloud compute instances add-metadata skia-testing-b \
    --metadata apikey=<apikey value>

This will set the ‘apikey’ value for the ‘skia-testing-b’ instance.

To set a specific metadata value on the project level use:

gcloud compute project-info add-metadata \
    --metadata-from-file skiaperf-com-key="./"

This will set the ‘pem’ file for

See for more information about the ‘gcloud’ command.

To update the code

  1. SSH into the server as default.
  2. cd ~/buildbot/perf/setup
  3. git pull
  4. ./

Note: This will also update the SSL secrets (.pem and .key files).

Managing SSL Certificates

We store the SSL certificates encrypted in a shared folder (shared-skia-infra) in Google drive. They are in a zip file ( that is encrypted with a symmetric key. The key is stored in http://valentine (search for skiaperf).

To decrypt the file run the following command:


To encrypt a new version of the file file run the following command:

gpg -c --cipher-algo AES256

To generate a new encryption key you can use:

openssl rand -base64 48

which will generate a 48-byte long key and encode it in base64.


The easiest way to develop should be to do:

go get -u

Which will fetch the repository into the right location and download dependencies.

Then to build everything:

cd $GOPATH/src/
make all

Make sure the $GOPATH/bin is on your path so that you can easily run the executables after they are generated.

To run the tests:

make test