blob: f8f08faec210482c8b92f27a4eef55a132797acb [file] [log] [blame]
package powercycle
import (
// mPowerConfig contains the necessary parameters to connect and control an mPower Pro power strip.
// Authentication is handled via the mPower switch recognizing the host's SSH key.
// See go/skolo-powercycle-setup for more.
type mPowerConfig struct {
// IP address of the device, i.e.
Address string `json:"address"`
// User of the ssh connection
User string `json:"user"`
// Mapping between device name and port on the power strip.
DevPortMap map[DeviceID]int `json:"ports"`
// Validate returns an error if the configuration is not complete.
func (c *mPowerConfig) Validate() error {
if c.User == "" || c.Address == "" {
return skerr.Fmt("You must specify a user and ip address.")
return nil
// Constants used to access the Ubiquiti mPower Pro.
const (
// String template to address a relay.
relayTemplateMPower = "/proc/power/relay%d"
// Default amount of time to wait between turn off and on.
powerOffDelayMPower = 10 * time.Second
// Values to write to the relay file to disable/enable ports.
mpowerOff = "0"
mpowerOn = "1"
// mPowerClient implements the Controller interface.
type mPowerClient struct {
runner CommandRunner
deviceIDs []DeviceID
mPowerConfig *mPowerConfig
// newMPowerController returns a new instance of Controller for the mPowerPro power strip.
func newMPowerController(ctx context.Context, conf *mPowerConfig, connect bool) (*mPowerClient, error) {
if err := conf.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
target := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", conf.User, conf.Address)
// The mPower switch is running old firmware that only supports older SSH algorithms. Golang no
// longer supports it, so we shell out to a native ssh binary and tell it to include the older
// diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 algorithm. The -T removes a warning SSH gives because we are not
// invoking it over TTY.
runner := PublicKeySSHCommandRunner("-oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1", "-T", target)
if connect {
out, err := runner.ExecCmds(ctx, "cat /proc/power/active_pwr1")
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "performing smoke test on mpower %s; output: %s", target, out)
sklog.Infof("connected successfully to mpower %s", target)
devIDs := make([]DeviceID, 0, len(conf.DevPortMap))
for id, port := range conf.DevPortMap {
if port < 1 || port > 8 {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("invalid port for %s (%d)", id, port)
devIDs = append(devIDs, id)
return &mPowerClient{
runner: runner,
deviceIDs: devIDs,
mPowerConfig: conf,
}, nil
// DeviceIDs implements the Controller interface.
func (m *mPowerClient) DeviceIDs() []DeviceID {
return m.deviceIDs
// PowerCycle implements the Controller interface.
func (m *mPowerClient) PowerCycle(ctx context.Context, id DeviceID, delayOverride time.Duration) error {
delay := powerOffDelayMPower
if delayOverride > 0 {
delay = delayOverride
if !DeviceIn(id, m.deviceIDs) {
return skerr.Fmt("Unknown device ID: %s", id)
port := m.mPowerConfig.DevPortMap[id]
if err := m.setPortValue(ctx, port, mpowerOff); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "turning port %d off", port)
sklog.Infof("Switched port %d off. Waiting for %s.", port, delay)
if err := m.setPortValue(ctx, port, mpowerOn); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "turning port %d back on", port)
sklog.Infof("Switched port %d on.", port)
return nil
func (m *mPowerClient) setPortValue(ctx context.Context, port int, value string) error {
if out, err := m.runner.ExecCmds(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("echo %s > %s", value, getRelayFile(port))); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "while setting port value - got output %s", out)
// echo doesn't return any output, so we ignore the out in a non error case.
return nil
// getRelayFile returns name of the relay file for the given port.
func getRelayFile(port int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(relayTemplateMPower, port)