blob: 95def3bbddc803558411014fdfd499f1f4419a32 [file] [log] [blame]
import './index';
import { $, $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { ParamSet, toParamSet, fromParamSet } from 'common-sk/modules/query';
import { QuerySk } from './query-sk';
import { setUpElementUnderTest } from '../test_util';
import { assert } from 'chai';
const paramset: ParamSet = {
arch: [
bench_type: [
compiler: [
config: [
describe('query-sk', () => {
const newInstance = setUpElementUnderTest<QuerySk>('query-sk');
let querySk: QuerySk;
let fast: HTMLInputElement;
beforeEach(() => {
querySk = newInstance();
querySk.paramset = paramset;
fast = $$<HTMLInputElement>('#fast', querySk)!;
it('obeys key_order', () => {
assert.deepEqual(['arch', 'bench_type', 'compiler', 'config'], keys(querySk));
// Setting key_order will change the key order.
querySk.key_order = ['config'];
assert.deepEqual(['config', 'arch', 'bench_type', 'compiler'], keys(querySk));
// Setting key_order to empty will go back to alphabetical order.
querySk.key_order = [];
assert.deepEqual(['arch', 'bench_type', 'compiler', 'config'], keys(querySk));
it('obeys filter', () => {
assert.deepEqual(['arch', 'bench_type', 'compiler', 'config'], keys(querySk));
// Setting the filter will change the keys displayed.
fast.value = 'cro'; // Only 'micro' in 'bench_type' should match.
fast.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); // Emulate user input.
// Only key should be bench_type.
assert.deepEqual(['bench_type'], keys(querySk));
// Clearing the filter will restore all options.
fast.value = '';
fast.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); // Emulate user input.
assert.deepEqual(['arch', 'bench_type', 'compiler', 'config'], keys(querySk));
it('only edits displayed values when filter is used.', () => {
// Make a selection.
querySk.current_query = 'arch=x86';
// Setting the filter will change the keys displayed.
fast.value = '64'; // Only 'arm64' and 'x86_64' in 'arch' should match.
fast.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); // Emulate user input.
// Only key should be arch.
assert.deepEqual(['arch'], keys(querySk));
// Click on 'arch'.
($$('select-sk', querySk)!.firstElementChild! as HTMLElement).click();
// Click on the value 'arm64' to add it to the query.
($$('multi-select-sk', querySk)!.firstElementChild! as HTMLElement).click();
// Confirm it gets added.
assert.deepEqual(toParamSet('arch=x86&arch=arm64'), toParamSet(querySk.current_query));
// Click on the value 'arm64' a second time to remove it from the query.
($$('multi-select-sk', querySk)!.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).click();
// Confirm it gets removed.
assert.deepEqual(toParamSet('arch=x86'), toParamSet(querySk.current_query));
it('updates query-values-sk when the current_query property is set', () => {
// Click on 'arch'.
($$('select-sk', querySk)!.firstElementChild! as HTMLElement).click();
// Click on the value 'arm' to add it to the query.
$$<HTMLDivElement>('multi-select-sk div[value="arm"]', querySk)!.click();
// Assert that only 'arm' is selected.
$<HTMLDivElement>('multi-select-sk div[selected]').map(div => div.getAttribute('value')));
// Set selection via current_query.
querySk.current_query = 'arch=x86&arch=x86_64&config=8888';
// Assert that the previous selection is reflected in the UI.
['x86', 'x86_64'],
$<HTMLDivElement>('multi-select-sk div[selected]').map(div => div.getAttribute('value')));
it('rationalizes current_query when set programmatically', () => {
const validQuery = fromParamSet({
arch: ['arm', 'x86'],
config: ['!8888'],
compiler: ['~CC'],
const invalidQuery = fromParamSet({
'arch': ['arm', 'invalid_architecture'],
'invalid_key': ['foo']
const invalidQueryRationalized = fromParamSet({ 'arch': ['arm'] });
// Valid queries should remain unaltered.
querySk.current_query = validQuery;
assert.deepEqual(validQuery, querySk.current_query);
// Invalid queries should be rationalized.
querySk.current_query = invalidQuery;
assert.deepEqual(invalidQueryRationalized, querySk.current_query);
const keys = (q: QuerySk) => $('select-sk div', q).map(e => e.textContent);