blob: 736ef1591fceca1814bdacac345d12f14aff3a45 [file] [log] [blame]
# The "all" target is invoked from the "all" target in the Makefile in the repo's root directory,
# which is in turn invoked by the Infra-PerCommit-Build task to build various Skia Infrastructure
# apps. Since some of those apps depend on infra-sk, we first need to install the npm dependencies
# and make sure infra-sk actually builds.
npm ci
npx webpack --mode=production
default: package-lock.json
npx webpack --mode=development
release: package-lock.json
npx webpack --mode=production
serve: package-lock.json
npx webpack-dev-server --mode=development --content-base ./dist --watch-poll
# Run the generated tests just once under Xvfb.
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args "-screen 0 1280x1024x24" npx karma start --single-run
docs: package-lock.json
npx jsdoc -c jsdoc.config.js
package-lock.json: package.json
npm install
.PHONY: test-frontend-ci
npm ci
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args "-screen 0 1280x1024x24" npx karma start --single-run
.PHONY: puppeteer_tests
npx mocha -r ts-node/register ./**/*_puppeteer_test.ts
test: test-js puppeteer_tests