blob: 197e47433d8c845702ed18329c28ea6fd3268927 [file] [log] [blame]
# Create a service account that can read from the container
# registry and add it as a docker-registry secret to the cluster.
set -x -e
source ../../bash/
SA_EMAIL=$(../../kube/secrets/ \
skia-public \
skolo-rack4 \
gcr-io-skia-public-account \
"cluster service account to access images" \
cd /tmp/ramdisk
# Download a key for the clusters default service account.
gcloud beta iam service-accounts keys create key.json \
# Use that key as a docker-registry secret.
kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-io-skia-public \
--docker-username=_json_key \
--docker-password="`cat key.json`" \
--docker-server= \
# Add the ability for the new cluster to pull docker images from
# container registry.
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p "{\"imagePullSecrets\": [{\"name\": \"gcr-io-skia-public\"}]}"
# Add service account as reader of docker images bucket.
# First remove the account so the add is fresh.
gsutil iam ch -d "serviceAccount:${SA_EMAIL}:objectViewer" gs://
gsutil iam ch "serviceAccount:${SA_EMAIL}:objectViewer" gs://