blob: d4c69ae6fdfa5fdf412e7d1e9f679ff6f63a1e80 [file] [log] [blame]
const os = require('os');
// At this point, process.argv looks something like:
// [
// '/path/to/bazel/sandbox/execroot/skia_infra/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/shaders/modules/shadernode/',
// '/path/to/bazel/sandbox/execroot/skia_infra/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/shaders/modules/shadernode/',
// 'start',
// 'infra-sk/karma_test/karma.conf.js',
// '/path/to/bazel/sandbox/execroot/skia_infra/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/shaders/modules/shadernode/',
// ]
const startIdx = process.argv.findIndex((v) => v === 'start');
// The path to the JS bundle is passed by the karma_test rule as the second argument after start.
const jsTestFile = process.argv[startIdx + 2];
// Detect whether we're running as a test (e.g. "bazel test //path/to/my:karma_test").
const isBazelTest = !process.env.BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY; // Set when running via "bazel run".
// Returns the path to the Bazel runfiles directory.
// See:
// -
// -
const bazelRunfilesDir = () =>
// Forces Karma to use the Bazel-downloaded Google Chrome browser.
process.env.CHROME_BIN = `${bazelRunfilesDir()}/external/google_chrome/opt/google/chrome/chrome`;
module.exports = function (config) {
plugins: [
// Frameworks are loaded in reverse order, so chai-dom loads after chai.
frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai-dom', 'chai', 'sinon'],
files: [
pattern: jsTestFile,
// Force the test files to be served from disk on each request. Without this, interactive mode
// with ibazel does not work (e.g. "ibazel run //path/to/my:karma_test").
nocache: true,
// Only use a headless browser when running as a test (i.e. "bazel test").
// Do not launch any browsers when running interactively (i.e. with "bazel run"). The developer
// can open the printed out URL for the Karma server in their browser of choice.
browsers: isBazelTest ? ['ChromeHeadlessCustom'] : [],
// Headless Chrome that works on the RBE toolchain container, and any other Docker container.
customLaunchers: {
ChromeHeadlessCustom: {
base: 'ChromeHeadless',
flags: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--disable-gpu'],
// Report the outcome of each individual test case to stdout.
// This is consistent with the output format of Puppeteer tests (and any other Node.js tests
// using Mocha).
colors: true,
reporters: ['spec'],
// Run tests only once when invoked via "bazel test", otherwise Karma will run forever and Bazel
// will eventually time out and report test failure.
singleRun: isBazelTest,
// Autowatch is disabled because it is currently broken in two major ways:
// 1. It doesn't force a browser refresh when files change.
// 2. Sometimes it randomly reports changed files as deleted, and stops executing the contents
// of those files for the remainder of the session.
// ibazel can be used to achieve a similar workflow:
// - `ibazel test //path/to/my:karma_test`: Reruns the tests on a headless Chrome every time
// the tests change, and reports the results on the console.
// - `ibazel run //path/to/my:karma_test`: Interactive mode. Prints out a URL that can be
// opened in the browser. Tests are rebuilt automatically when the code changes. Reload the
// page manually to see the changes.
autoWatch: false,
// Set hostname so that, when running in interactive mode (e.g. "bazel run //path/to:test"),
// the test runner prints "Karma vX.Y.Z server started at http://<HOSTNAME>:9876", where
// <HOSTNAME> is the actual host's name rather than "localhost". This is useful when running
// tests in interactive mode remotely via SSH and one wishes to open the test runner page in a
// browser running locally.
hostname: os.hostname(),