blob: da9e25160a6172ebdc9ee367d3daad164e9e04f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/blamelist-panel-sk
* @description <h2><code>blamelist-panel-sk</code></h2>
* A list of commits and authors. If the list is too long, the first several will be shown.
* This should typically go into some sort of dialog to show the user.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { diffDate } from 'common-sk/modules/human';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { truncateWithEllipses } from '../common';
import { baseRepoURL } from '../settings';
const maxCommitsToDisplay = 15;
const template = (ele) => html`
${ele._commits.slice(0, maxCommitsToDisplay).map(commitRow)}
${ele._commits.length > maxCommitsToDisplay ? '...and other commits.' : ''}
const commitRow = (c) => html`
<td title=${}>${truncateWithEllipses(, 20)}</td>
<td title=${new Date(c.commit_time * 1000)}>
${diffDate(c.commit_time * 1000)}
<td><a href=${commitHref(c)}>${c.hash && c.hash.substring(0, 8)}</a></td>
<td title=${c.message}>${truncateWithEllipses(c.message || '', 80)}</td>
const commitHref = (commit) => {
// TODO(kjlubick) deduplicate with by-blame-sk
const repo = baseRepoURL();
if (!repo) {
throw new DOMException('repo not set in settings');
if (repo.indexOf('') !== -1) {
return `${repo}/commit/${commit.hash}`;
return `${repo}/+/${commit.hash}`;
define('blamelist-panel-sk', class extends ElementSk {
constructor() {
this._commits = [];
connectedCallback() {
* @prop commits {Array<Object>} the commits to show. The objects should have string fields:
* author, message, hash and a field commit_time that is the number of seconds since the epoch.
* See frontend.Commit on the server side for more.
get commits() { return this._commits; }
set commits(arr) {
this._commits = arr;