blob: 948271d350df0e142b1cfdbb8937f997f538bd24 [file] [log] [blame]
// ctrace makes Traces into ClusterableTraces which can then be used in kmeans.
package ctrace2
import (
const (
// CENTROID_KEY is the name for the centroid when it appears as a trace in a DataFrame.
CENTROID_KEY = "special_centroid"
// ClusterableTrace contains Trace data and implements kmeans.Clusterable and kmeans.Centroid.
type ClusterableTrace struct {
Key string
Values []float32
// See kmeans.Centroid.
func (t *ClusterableTrace) Distance(c kmeans.Clusterable) float64 {
// Data always has the same length, and NewFullTrace keeps that guarantee.
o := c.(*ClusterableTrace)
sum := float32(0.0)
for i, x := range t.Values {
sum += (x - o.Values[i]) * (x - o.Values[i])
return math.Sqrt(float64(sum))
// See kmeans.Centroid.
func (t *ClusterableTrace) AsClusterable() kmeans.Clusterable {
return t
func (t *ClusterableTrace) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %#v", t.Key, t.Values[:2])
func (t *ClusterableTrace) Dup(newKey string) *ClusterableTrace {
cp := &ClusterableTrace{
Key: newKey,
Values: vec32.Dup(t.Values),
return cp
// NewFullTrace takes data you would find in a Trace and returns a
// ClusterableTrace usable for kmeans clustering.
func NewFullTrace(key string, values []float32, minStdDev float32) *ClusterableTrace {
norm := make([]float32, len(values))
copy(norm, values)
vec32.Norm(norm, minStdDev)
return &ClusterableTrace{
Key: key,
Values: norm,
// CalculateCentroid implements kmeans.CalculateCentroid.
func CalculateCentroid(members []kmeans.Clusterable) kmeans.Centroid {
first := members[0].(*ClusterableTrace)
mean := make([]float32, len(first.Values))
for _, m := range members {
ft := m.(*ClusterableTrace)
for i, x := range ft.Values {
mean[i] += x
numMembers := float32(len(members))
for i := range mean {
mean[i] = mean[i] / numMembers
return &ClusterableTrace{
Values: mean,