blob: 0afb00ad2ec1ffa32fdcd3aac3981441d2b4d78a [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/dots-legend-sk
* @description <h2><code>dots-legend-sk</code></h2>
* A legend for the dots-sk element.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import {
} from '../dots-sk/constants';
import 'elements-sk/icon/cancel-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/check-circle-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/help-icon-sk';
const template = (el) => html`
.slice(0, MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS - 1)
.map((digest, index) => digestTemplate(digest, index, el))}
const digestTemplate = (digest, index, el) => html`
<a target=_blank class=digest href="${el._digestDetailHref(index)}">
${index > 0
? html`<a target=_blank class=diff href="${el._digestDiffHref(index)}">
: html`<span></span>`}
const lastDigest = (el) => {
// If the API returns fewer digests than MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS, we should compare against
// the reported totalDigests to determine if we need to display nothing (no more digests),
// the last digest (if it exactly matches the maximum) or the message saying there were too
// many digests to display them all.
if (el.totalDigests < MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS) {
return '';
if (el.totalDigests === MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS) {
return digestTemplate(el.digests[MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS - 1], MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS - 1, el);
return oneOfManyOtherDigestsTemplate(el.totalDigests);
const oneOfManyOtherDigestsTemplate = (totalDigests) => html`
${dotTemplate(MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS - 1)}
<span class=one-of-many-other-digests>
One of ${totalDigests - (MAX_UNIQUE_DIGESTS - 1)} other digests
(${totalDigests} in total).
const dotTemplate = (index) => {
const style = `border-color: ${DOT_STROKE_COLORS[index]};`
+ `background-color: ${DOT_FILL_COLORS[index]};`;
return html`<div class=dot style="${style}"></div>`;
const statusIconTemplate = (status) => {
switch (status) {
case 'negative':
return html`<cancel-icon-sk class=negative-icon></cancel-icon-sk>`;
case 'positive':
return html`
<check-circle-icon-sk class=positive-icon></check-circle-icon-sk>
case 'untriaged':
return html`<help-icon-sk class=untriaged-icon></help-icon-sk>`;
throw `Unknown status: "${status}"`;
define('dots-legend-sk', class extends ElementSk {
constructor() {
this._digests = [];
this._issue = '';
this._test = '';
this._totalDigests = 0;
connectedCallback() {
* @prop digests {Array} An array of {digest: 'a4f32...', status: 'positive'}
* objects.
get digests() { return this._digests; }
set digests(digests) {
this._digests = digests;
* @prop issue {string} An issue number/ID.
get issue() { return this._issue; }
set issue(issue) {
this._issue = issue;
* @prop test {string} Test name.
get test() { return this._test; }
set test(test) {
this._test = test;
* @prop totalDigests {Number} The total number of digests that were seen in this group of traces,
* which can be more than digests.length, due to the fact that the backend limits the length
* of digests when it sends it to us.
get totalDigests() { return this._totalDigests; }
set totalDigests(td) {
this._totalDigests = td;
_digestDetailHref(index) {
return `${'/detail'
+ `?test=${encodeURIComponent(this._test)}`
+ `&digest=${this._digests[index].digest}`}${
this._issue ? `&issue=${this._issue}` : ''}`;
_digestDiffHref(index) {
return `${'/diff'
+ `?test=${encodeURIComponent(this._test)}`
+ `&left=${this._digests[0].digest}`
+ `&right=${this._digests[index].digest}`}${
this._issue ? `&issue=${this._issue}` : ''}`;