blob: 82bd9320a5cbab147a4e321f4e5e7a9c3ff8b2dc [file] [log] [blame]
build: package-lock.json
npx webpack --mode=development
production: package-lock.json
npx webpack --mode=production
serve: package-lock.json
npx webpack-dev-server --content-base ./dist --watch-poll
test: package-lock.json
# Run the generated tests just once under Xvfb.
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args "-screen 0 1280x1024x24" npx karma start --single-run
demos: package-lock.json
npx webpack --mode=development
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
# Run the generated tests just once under Xvfb.
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args "-screen 0 1280x1024x24" npx karma start --single-run --no-colors
continuous: package-lock.json
# Setup for continuous testing when ssh'd into a machine.
# To debug tests, set up port forwarding via ssh with "-L 9876:localhost:9876".
# Start Xvfb on port :99 so Chrome can start.
-Xvfb :99 &
# Continuously monitor the source files and rebuild the test files as needed.
npx webpack --watch &
sleep 2
# Continuously run the tests each time they are modified.
DISPLAY=:99 npx karma start --no-single-run &
continuous_desktop: package-lock.json
# Setup for continuous testing when running on the desktop.
# Continuously monitor the source files and rebuild the test files as needed.
npx webpack --watch &
sleep 2
# Continuously run the tests each time they are modified.
npx karma start &
rm -rf node_modules
rm -f package-lock.json
npm install
npx jsdoc -c jsdoc.config.js
xdg-open out/index.html
package-lock.json: package.json
npm install
npm publish
npm version major
echo "Don't forget to publish."
npm version minor
echo "Don't forget to publish."
npm version patch
echo "Don't forget to publish."