blob: bd293568051415255adb6a13d0456197a4da0001 [file] [log] [blame]
const express = require('express');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const webpackConfigJs = require('../../webpack.config.js');
const webpackDevMiddleware = require('webpack-dev-middleware');
* This function allows tests to catch document-level events in a Puppeteer
* page.
* It takes a Puppeteer page and a list of event names, and adds event listeners
* to the page's document for the given events. It must be called before the
* page is loaded with e.g. page.goto() for it to work.
* The returned function takes an event name in eventNames and returns a promise
* that will resolve to the corresponding Event object's "detail" field when the
* event is caught. Multiple promises for the same event will be resolved in the
* order that they were created, i.e. one caught event resolves the oldest
* pending promise.
* @param {Object} page A Puppeteer page.
* @param {Array<string>} eventNames Event names to listen to.
* @return {Promise<Function>} Event promise builder function.
exports.addEventListenersToPuppeteerPage = async (page, eventNames) => {
// Maps event names to FIFO queues of promise resolver functions.
const resolverFnQueues = {};
eventNames.forEach((eventName) => resolverFnQueues[eventName] = []);
// Use an unlikely prefix to reduce chances of name collision.
await page.exposeFunction('__pptr_onEvent', (eventName, eventDetail) => {
const resolverFn = resolverFnQueues[eventName].shift(); // Dequeue.
if (resolverFn) { // Undefined if queue length was 0.
// Add an event listener for each one of the given events.
await eventNames.forEach(async (name) => {
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument((name) => {
document.addEventListener(name, (event) => {
window.__pptr_onEvent(name, event.detail);
}, name);
// The returned function takes an event name and returns a promise that will
// resolve to the event details when the event is caught.
return (eventName) => {
if (resolverFnQueues[eventName] === undefined) {
// Fail if the event wasn't included in eventNames.
throw new Error(`no event listener for "${eventName}"`);
return new Promise(
// Enqueue resolver function at the end of the queue.
(resolve) => resolverFnQueues[eventName].push(resolve));
* Returns true if running from within a Docker container, or false otherwise.
* @return {boolean}
exports.inDocker = () => fs.existsSync('/.dockerenv');
* Launches a Puppeteer browser with the right platform-specific arguments.
* @return {Promise}
exports.launchBrowser =
() => puppeteer.launch(
// See
? { args: ['--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--no-sandbox'] }
: {});
* Returns the output directory where tests should e.g. save screenshots.
* Screenshots saved in this directory will be uploaded to Gold.
* @return {string}
exports.outputDir =
() => exports.inDocker()
? '/out'
// Resolves to $SKIA_INFRA_ROOT/golden/puppeteer-tests/output.
: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'output');
* This function sets up the before(Each) and after(Each) hooks required for
* test suites that take screenshots of demo pages.
* Test cases can access the demo page server's base URL and a Puppeteer page
* ready to be used via this.baseUrl and, respectively.
* This function assumes that each test case uses exactly one Puppeteer page
* (that's why it doesn't expose the Browser instance to tests). The page is set
* up with a cookie (name: "puppeteer", value: "true") to give demo pages a
* means to detect whether they are running within Puppeteer or not.
* Call this function at the beginning of a Mocha describe() block.
exports.setUpPuppeteerAndDemoPageServer = function() {
let browser, stopDemoPageServer;
before(async function() {
let baseUrl;
({baseUrl, stopDemoPageServer} = await exports.startDemoPageServer());
this.baseUrl = baseUrl; // Make baseUrl available to tests.
browser = await exports.launchBrowser();
after(async function() {
await browser.close();
await stopDemoPageServer();
beforeEach(async function() { = await browser.newPage(); // Make page available to tests.
// Tell demo pages this is a Puppeteer test. Demo pages should not fake RPC
// latency, render animations or exhibit any other non-deterministic
// behavior that could result in differences in the screenshots uploaded to
// Gold.
{url: this.baseUrl, name: 'puppeteer', value: 'true'});
afterEach(async function() {
* Starts a web server that serves custom element demo pages. Equivalent to
* running "npx webpack-dev-server" on the terminal.
* Demo pages can be accessed at the returned baseUrl. For example, page
* my-component-sk-demo.html is found at `${baseUrl}/dist/my-component-sk.html`.
* This function should be called once at the beginning of any test suite that
* requires custom element demo pages. The returned function stopDemoPageServer
* should be called at the end of the test suite.
* @return {Promise<{baseUrl: string, stopDemoPageServer: function}>}
exports.startDemoPageServer = async () => {
// Load and tweak Webpack configuration.
const configuration = webpackConfigJs(null, {});
// See
configuration.mode = 'development';
// Quiet down the CleanWebpackPlugin.
// TODO(lovisolo): Move this change to the Pulito repo.
.filter(p => === 'CleanWebpackPlugin')
.forEach(p => p.options.verbose = false);
// This is equivalent to running "npx webpack-dev-server" on the terminal.
const middleware = webpackDevMiddleware(webpack(configuration), {
logLevel: 'warn', // Do not print summary on startup.
await new Promise(resolve => middleware.waitUntilValid(resolve));
// Start an HTTP server on a random, unused port. Serve the above middleware.
const app = express();
app.use(configuration.output.publicPath, middleware); // Serve on /dist.
let server;
await new Promise(resolve => { server = app.listen(0, resolve); });
return {
// Base URL for the demo page server.
baseUrl: `http://localhost:${server.address().port}`,
// Call this function to shut down the HTTP server after tests are finished.
stopDemoPageServer: async () => {
await Promise.all([
new Promise(resolve => middleware.close(resolve)),
new Promise(resolve => server.close(resolve))
* Takes a screenshot and saves it to the tests output directory to be uploaded
* to Gold.
* @param {Object} page Puppeteer page.
* @param {string} testName Test name, e.g. "Test-Foo-Bar".
* @return {Promise}
exports.takeScreenshot =
(page, testName) =>
path: path.join(exports.outputDir(), `${testName}.png`)