blob: afe6905c87f3d2b767c9bed0663a3646b46e5bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
package throttler
import (
const (
MaxBurstDefault = 2
BurstDelaySecsDefault = 300
var (
// timeNowFunc allows tests to mock out time.Now() for testing.
timeNowFunc = time.Now
type ThrottlerData struct {
CommitTimes []time.Time `json:"commit_times"`
ThrottlerCfg *config.ThrottlerCfg `json:"throttler_cfg"`
func GetDefaultThrottlerCfg() *config.ThrottlerCfg {
return &config.ThrottlerCfg{
MaxBurst: MaxBurstDefault,
BurstDelaySecs: BurstDelaySecsDefault,
// ThrottlerImpl implements the types.ThrottlerManager interface.
// NOTE: This implementation is not thread safe.
type ThrottlerImpl struct {
repoBranchToThrottlerData map[string]*ThrottlerData
// GetThrottler returns an instance of ThrottlerImpl.
func NewThrottler() *ThrottlerImpl {
return &ThrottlerImpl{
repoBranchToThrottlerData: map[string]*ThrottlerData{},
// Throttle implements the types.ThrottlerManager interface.
func (t *ThrottlerImpl) Throttle(repoBranch string, commitTime time.Time) bool {
if data, ok := t.repoBranchToThrottlerData[repoBranch]; ok {
return len(data.CommitTimes) >= data.ThrottlerCfg.MaxBurst
return false
// UpdateThrottler implements the types.ThrottlerManager interface.
func (t *ThrottlerImpl) UpdateThrottler(repoBranch string, commitTime time.Time, throttlerCfg *config.ThrottlerCfg) {
if data, ok := t.repoBranchToThrottlerData[repoBranch]; !ok {
if throttlerCfg == nil {
throttlerCfg = GetDefaultThrottlerCfg()
t.repoBranchToThrottlerData[repoBranch] = &ThrottlerData{
CommitTimes: []time.Time{commitTime},
ThrottlerCfg: throttlerCfg,
} else {
data.CommitTimes = append(data.CommitTimes, commitTime)
// cleanupThrottler goes through the throttler data and removes all entries
// older than the burst delay cutoff.
func (t *ThrottlerImpl) cleanupThrottler() {
for _, data := range t.repoBranchToThrottlerData {
// This will be populated with all commits that fit the throttle window.
newCommitTimes := []time.Time{}
cutoffDurationSecs := time.Duration(data.ThrottlerCfg.BurstDelaySecs) * time.Second
for _, ct := range data.CommitTimes {
if timeNowFunc().Sub(ct) <= cutoffDurationSecs {
newCommitTimes = append(newCommitTimes, ct)
data.CommitTimes = newCommitTimes