blob: ffb9ccbb5eea4cccb8888a92c95a9448c6955410 [file] [log] [blame]
import dialogPolyfill from 'dialog-polyfill'
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define'
import { html, render } from 'lit-html'
import 'elements-sk/icon/check-icon-sk'
import 'elements-sk/icon/warning-icon-sk'
import 'elements-sk/select-sk'
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons'
import { upgradeProperty } from 'elements-sk/upgradeProperty'
import { diffDate } from 'common-sk/modules/human'
function linkToCommit(hash) {
return '' + hash;
function shorten(s) {
return s.slice(0, 8);
const dirtyIndicator = (choice) => {
return choice.Dirty ? html`<warning-icon-sk title="Uncommited changes when the package was built."></warning-icon-sk>` : ``;
const listChoices = (choices) => => html`
<div class=pushSelection data-name="${choice.Name}">
<check-icon-sk title="Currently installed."></check-icon-sk>
<pre><a target=_blank href="${linkToCommit(choice.Hash)}">${shorten(choice.Hash)}</a></pre>
<pre class=built>${diffDate(choice.Built)}</pre>
<pre class=userid title="${choice.UserID}">${shorten(choice.UserID)}</pre>
const template = (ele) => html`
<h2>Choose a release package to push</h2>
<select-sk selection="${ele._chosen}" @selection-changed=${ele._selectionChanged}>
<div class=buttons>
<button @click=${ele.hide}>Cancel</button>
/** <code>push-selection-sk</code> custom element declaration.
* <p>
* Presents a dialog of package choices and generates an event when the user has
* made a selection. It is a custom element used by <push-server-sk>.
* </p>
* @evt package-change A 'package-change' event is generated when the user
* selects a package to push. The event detail has the following shape:
* <pre>
* {
* name: 'package name goes here', // The full name of the package selected.
* }
* </pre>
class PushSelectionSk extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._choices = [];
this._chosen = -1;
connectedCallback() {
upgradeProperty(this, 'choices');
upgradeProperty(this, 'chosen');
this._dialog = this.firstElementChild;
_render() {
render(template(this), this, {eventContext: this});
/** @prop {Array} The list of packages that are available. Serialized Package from infra/go/packages/. For example:
* <pre>
* {
* Name: '',
* Hash: '79f6b17ea316c5d877f4f1e3fa9c7a4ea950916c',
* UserID: '',
* Built: '2014-12-08T02:09:58Z',
* Dirty: true,
* Note: 'some reason for a push'
* },
* </pre>
get choices() { return this._choices; }
set choices(val) {
this._choices = val;
/** @prop {number} The index of the chosen package. */
get chosen() { return this._chosen; }
set chosen(val) {
this._chosen = +val;
_selectionChanged(e) {
this._chosen = e.detail.selection;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('package-change', {
detail: {
name: this.choices[e.detail.selection].Name,
bubbles: true,
/** Show the dialog. */
show() {
/** Hide the dialog. */
hide() {
define('push-selection-sk', PushSelectionSk);