blob: 926ebef52d078aec21b14a572656e76823e24f8a [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/cluster-summary2-sk
* @description <h2><code>cluster-summary2-sk</code></h2>
* @evt open-keys - An event that is fired when the user clicks the 'View on
* dashboard' button that contains the shortcut id, and the timestamp range of
* traces in the details that should be opened in the explorer, and the xbar
* location specified as a serialized cid.CommitID, for example:
* {
* shortcut: 'X1129832198312',
* begin: 1476982874,
* end: 1476987166,
* xbar: {'source':'master','offset':24750,'timestamp':1476985844},
* }
* @evt triaged - An event generated when the 'Update' button is pressed, which
* contains the new triage status. The detail contains the cid and triage
* status, for example:
* {
* cid: {
* source: 'master',
* offset: 25004,
* },
* triage: {
* status: 'negative',
* messge: 'This is a regression in ...',
* },
* }
* @attr {Boolean} notriage - If true then don't display the triage controls.
* @example
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define'
import { html, render } from 'lit-html'
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons'
import 'elements-sk/collapse-sk'
import '../commit-detail-panel-sk'
import '../plot-simple-sk'
import '../triage2-sk'
import '../word-cloud-sk'
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk'
import { Login } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/login'
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow'
import { errorMessage } from 'elements-sk/errorMessage'
function _trunc(value) {
return (+value).toPrecision(3);
const template = (ele) => html`
<div class='regression ${ele._statusClass()}'>
Regression: <span>${_trunc(ele._summary.step_fit.regression)}</span>
<div class=stats>
<div class=labelled>Cluster Size: <span>${ele._summary.num}</span></div>
<div class=labelled>Least Squares Error: <span>${_trunc(ele._summary.step_fit.least_squares)}</span></div>
<div class=labelled>Step Size: <span>${_trunc(ele._summary.step_fit.step_size)}</span></div>
<plot-simple-sk class=plot specialevents @trace_selected=${ele._traceSelected}></plot-simple-sk>
<div id=status class=${ele._hiddenClass()}>
<p class=disabledMessage>You must be logged in to change the status.</p>
<triage2-sk value=${ele._triage.status} @change=${(e) => {ele._triage.status = e.detail}}></triage2-sk>
<input type=text .value=${ele._triage.message} @change=${(e) => {ele._triage.message =}} label=Message>
<button class=action @click=${ele._update}>Update</button>
<commit-detail-panel-sk id=commits></commit-detail-panel-sk>
<div class=actions>
<button id=shortcut @click=${ele._openShortcut}>View on dashboard</button>
<a id=permalink class=${ele._hiddenClass()} href=${ele._permaLink()}>Permlink</a>
<a id=rangelink href='' target=_blank></a>
<button @click=${ele._toggleWordCloud}>Word Cloud</button>
<collapse-sk class=wordCloudCollapse closed>
<word-cloud-sk .items=${ele._summary.param_summaries}></word-cloud-sk>
export class ClusterSummary2Sk extends ElementSk {
constructor() {
this._summary = {
num: 0,
step_fit: {
regression: 0,
least_squares: 0,
step_size: 0,
param_summaries: {},
this.triage = {
status: '',
message: ''
connectedCallback() {
this._wordCloud = this.querySelector('.wordCloudCollapse');
this._status = this.querySelector('#status');
this._graph = this.querySelector('plot-simple-sk');
this._rangelink = this.querySelector('#rangelink');
this._commits = this.querySelector('#commits');
Login.then((status) => {
this._status.classList.toggle('disabled', status['Email'] == '');
this.full_summary = this.full_summary;
this.triage = this.triage;
_update() {
const cid = this._summary.step_point;
const detail = {
cid: cid,
triage: this.triage,
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('triaged', {detail: detail, bubbles: true}));
_openShortcut(e) {
const detail = {
shortcut: this._summary.shortcut,
begin: this._frame.dataframe.header[0].timestamp,
end: this._frame.dataframe.header[this._frame.dataframe.header.length-1].timestamp+1,
xbar: this._summary.step_point,
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('open-keys', {detail: detail, bubbles: true}));
* Look up the commit ids for the given offsets and sources.
* @param {Array} cids - An array of serialized cid.CommitID.
* @returns {Promise} A Promise hat resolves the cids and returns an Array of serialized vcsinfo.ShortCommits.
static _lookupCids(cids) {
return fetch('/_/cid/', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(cids),
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
_traceSelected(e) {
let h = this._frame.dataframe.header[[0]];
ClusterSummary2Sk._lookupCids([h]).then((json) => {
this._commits.details = json;
_toggleWordCloud() {
this._wordCloud.closed = !this._wordCloud.closed;
_hiddenClass() {
return this.hasAttribute('notriage') ? 'hidden' : '';
_permaLink() {
// Bounce to the triage page, but with the time range narrowed to
// contain just the step_point commit.
if (!this._summary || !this._summary.step_point) {
return '';
const begin = this._summary.step_point.timestamp;
const end = begin+1;
return `/t/?begin=${begin}&end=${end}&subset=all`;
_statusClass() {
if (!this._summary) {
return '';
const status = this._summary.step_fit.status || '';
return status.toLowerCase();
/** @prop full_summary {string} A serialized:
* {
* summary: cluster2.ClusterSummary,
* frame: dataframe.FrameResponse,
* }
get full_summary() { return this._full_summary }
set full_summary(val) {
if (!val) {
if (!val.frame) {
this._full_summary = val;
this._summary = val.summary;
this._frame = val.frame;
if (!this._graph) {
// Set the data- attributes used for sorting cluster summaries.
this.dataset.clustersize = this._summary.num;
this.dataset.steplse = this._summary.step_fit.least_squares;
this.dataset.stepsize = this._summary.step_fit.step_size;
this.dataset.stepregression = this._summary.step_fit.regression;
// We take in a ClusterSummary, but need to transform all that data
// into a format that plot-sk can handle.
var line = [];
this._summary.centroid.forEach(function(y, x) {
if (y != 1e32) {
line.push([x, y]);
} else {
line.push([x, null]);
var labels = [];
this.full_summary.frame.dataframe.header.forEach(header => {
labels.push(new Date(header.timestamp * 1000));
this._graph.addLines({'centroid': line}, labels);
// Set the x-bar but only if status != uninteresting.
if (this._summary.step_fit.status != 'Uninteresting') {
// Loop through the dataframe header to find the location we should
// place the x-bar at.
var step = this._summary.step_point;
var xbar = -1;
this._frame.dataframe.header.forEach(function(h, i) {
if (h.source == step.source && h.offset == step.offset) {
xbar = i;
if (xbar != -1) {
// Populate rangelink.
if (sk.perf.commit_range_url !== '') {
// First find the commit at step_fit, and the next previous commit that has data.
var prevCommit = xbar-1;
while (prevCommit > 0 && this._summary.centroid[prevCommit] == 1e32) {
prevCommit -= 1;
var cids = [this._frame.dataframe.header[prevCommit], this._frame.dataframe.header[xbar]];
// Run those through cid lookup to get the hashes.
ClusterSummary2Sk._lookupCids(cids).then(function(json) {
// Create the URL.
var url = sk.perf.commit_range_url;
url = url.replace('{begin}', json[0].hash);
url = url.replace('{end}', json[1].hash);
// Now populate link, including text and href.
this._rangelink.innerText='Commits At Step';
} else {
} else {
/** @prop triage {string} The triage status of the cluster.
* Something of the form:
* {
* status: 'untriaged',
* message: 'This is a regression.',
* }
get triage() { return this._triage }
set triage(val) {
if (!val) {
this._triage = val;
define('cluster-summary2-sk', ClusterSummary2Sk);