blob: 3edebf8d60ad0047e5bd1dde1a9cd04f4092eebd [file] [log] [blame]
* common.js is a set of common functions used across all of skiaperf.
* Everything is scoped to 'sk' except $$ and $$$ which are global since they
* are used so often.
* $$ returns a real JS array of DOM elements that match the CSS query selector.
* A shortcut for jQuery-like $ behavior.
function $$(query, ele) {
if (!ele) {
ele = document;
return, function(e) { return e; });
* $$$ returns the DOM element that match the CSS query selector.
* A shortcut for document.querySelector.
function $$$(query, ele) {
if (!ele) {
ele = document;
return ele.querySelector(query);
} = || function() {
"use strict";
var sk = {};
* app_config is a place for applications to store app specific
* configuration variables.
sk.app_config = {};
* clearChildren removes all children of the passed in node.
sk.clearChildren = function(ele) {
while (ele.firstChild) {
* findParent returns either 'ele' or a parent of 'ele' that has the nodeName of 'nodeName'.
* Note that nodeName is all caps, i.e. "DIV" or "PAPER-BUTTON".
* The return value is null if no containing element has that node name.
sk.findParent = function(ele, nodeName) {
while (ele != null) {
if (ele.nodeName == nodeName) {
return ele;
ele = ele.parentElement;
return null;
* errorMessage dispatches an event with the error message in it.
* message is expected to be an object with either a field response
* (e.g. server response) or message (e.g. message of a typeError)
* that is a String.
* See <error-toast-sk> for an element that listens for such events
* and displays the error messages.
sk.errorMessage = function(message, duration) {
if (typeof message === 'object') {
message = message.response || // for backwards compatibility
message.message || // for handling Errors {name:String, message:String}
JSON.stringify(message); // for everything else
var detail = {
message: message,
detail.duration = duration;
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('error-sk', {detail: detail, bubbles: true}));
* Importer simplifies importing HTML Templates from HTML Imports.
* Just instantiate an instance in the HTML Import:
* importer = new sk.Importer();
* Then import templates via their id:
* var node = importer.import('#foo');
sk.Importer = function() {
if ('currentScript' in document) {
this.importDoc_ = document.currentScript.ownerDocument;
} else {
this.importDoc_ = document._currentScript.ownerDocument;
sk.Importer.prototype.import = function(id) {
return document.importNode($$$(id, this.importDoc_).content, true);
// elePos returns the position of the top left corner of given element in
// client coordinates.
// Returns an object of the form:
// {
// x: NNN,
// y: MMM,
// }
sk.elePos = function(ele) {
var bounds = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
return {x: bounds.left, y:};
// Returns a Promise that uses XMLHttpRequest to make a request with the given
// method to the given URL with the given headers and body.
sk.request = function(method, url, body, headers) {
// Return a new promise.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Do the usual XHR stuff
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();, url);
if (headers) {
for (var k in headers) {
req.setRequestHeader(k, headers[k]);
req.onload = function() {
// This is called even on 404 etc
// so check the status
if (req.status == 200) {
// Resolve the promise with the response text
} else {
// Otherwise reject with an object containing the status text and
// response code, which will hopefully be meaningful error
response: req.response,
status: req.status,
// Handle network errors
req.onerror = function() {
response: Error("Network Error")
// Make the request
// Returns a Promise that uses XMLHttpRequest to make a request to the given URL.
sk.get = function(url) {
return sk.request('GET', url);
// Returns a Promise that uses XMLHttpRequest to make a POST request to the
// given URL with the given JSON body. The content_type is optional and
// defaults to "application/json". = function(url, body, content_type) {
if (!content_type) {
content_type = "application/json";
return sk.request('POST', url, body, {"Content-Type": content_type});
// Returns a Promise that uses XMLHttpRequest to make a DELETE request to the
// given URL.
sk.delete = function(url, body) {
return sk.request('DELETE', url, body);
// A Promise that resolves when DOMContentLoaded has fired.
sk.DomReady = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (document.readyState != 'loading') {
// If readyState is already past loading then
// DOMContentLoaded has already fired, so just resolve.
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', resolve);
// A Promise that resolves when Polymer has fired polymer-ready.
sk.WebComponentsReady = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
window.addEventListener('polymer-ready', resolve);
// _Mailbox is an object that allows distributing, possibly in a time
// delayed manner, values to subscribers to mailbox names.
// For example, a series of large objects may need to be distributed across
// a DOM tree in a way that doesn't easily fit with normal data binding.
// Instead each element can subscribe to a mailbox name where the data will
// be placed, and receive a callback when the data is updated. Note that
// upon first subscribing to a mailbox the callback will be triggered
// immediately with the value there, which may be the default of null.
// There is no order required for subscribe and send calls. You can send to
// a mailbox with no subscribers, and a subscription can be registered for a
// mailbox that has not been sent any data yet.
var _Mailbox = function() {
this.boxes = {};
// Subscribe to a mailbox of the name 'addr'. The callback 'cb' will
// be called each time the mailbox is updated, including the very first time
// a callback is registered, possibly with the default value of null.
_Mailbox.prototype.subscribe = function(addr, cb) {
var box = this.boxes[addr] || { callbacks: [], value: null };
this.boxes[addr] = box;
// Remove a callback from a subscription.
_Mailbox.prototype.unsubscribe = function(addr, cb) {
var box = this.boxes[addr] || { callbacks: [], value: null };
// Use a countdown loop so multiple removals is safe.
for (var i = box.callbacks.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (box.callbacks[i] == cb) {
box.callbacks.splice(i, 1);
// Send data to a mailbox. All registered callbacks will be triggered
// synchronously.
_Mailbox.prototype.send = function(addr, value) {
var box = this.boxes[addr] || { callbacks: [], value: null };
box.value = value;
this.boxes[addr] = box;
box.callbacks.forEach(function(cb) {
// sk.Mailbox is an instance of sk._Mailbox, the only instance
// that should be needed.
sk.Mailbox = new _Mailbox();
// Namespace for utilities for working with human i/o.
sk.human = {};
{ units: "w", delta: 7*24*60*60 },
{ units: "d", delta: 24*60*60 },
{ units: "h", delta: 60*60 },
{ units: "m", delta: 60 },
{ units: "s", delta: 1 },
sk.KB = 1024;
sk.MB = sk.KB * 1024;
sk.GB = sk.MB * 1024;
sk.TB = sk.GB * 1024;
sk.PB = sk.TB * 1024;
{ units: " PB", delta: sk.PB},
{ units: " TB", delta: sk.TB},
{ units: " GB", delta: sk.GB},
{ units: " MB", delta: sk.MB},
{ units: " KB", delta: sk.KB},
{ units: " B", delta: 1},
* Pad zeros in front of the specified number.
sk.human.pad = function(num, size) {
var str = num + "";
while (str.length < size) str = "0" + str;
return str;
* Returns a human-readable format of the given duration in seconds.
* For example, 'strDuration(123)' would return "2m 3s".
* Negative seconds is treated the same as positive seconds.
sk.human.strDuration = function(seconds) {
if (seconds < 0) {
seconds = -seconds;
if (seconds == 0) { return ' 0s'; }
var rv = "";
for (var i=0; i<TIME_DELTAS.length; i++) {
if (TIME_DELTAS[i].delta <= seconds) {
var s = Math.floor(seconds/TIME_DELTAS[i].delta)+TIME_DELTAS[i].units;
while (s.length < 4) {
s = ' ' + s;
rv += s;
seconds = seconds % TIME_DELTAS[i].delta;
return rv;
* Returns the difference between the current time and 's' as a string in a
* human friendly format.
* If 's' is a number it is assumed to contain the time in milliseconds
* otherwise it is assumed to contain a time string.
* For example, a difference of 123 seconds between 's' and the current time
* would return "2m".
sk.human.diffDate = function(s) {
var ms = (typeof(s) == "number") ? s : Date.parse(s);
var diff = (ms -;
if (diff < 0) {
diff = -1.0 * diff;
return humanize(diff, TIME_DELTAS);
* Formats the amount of bytes in a human friendly format.
* unit may be supplied to indicate b is not in bytes, but in something
* like kilobytes (sk.KB) or megabytes (sk.MB)
* For example, a 1234 bytes would be displayed as "1 KB".
sk.human.bytes = function(b, unit) {
if (Number.isInteger(unit)) {
b = b * unit;
return humanize(b, BYTES_DELTAS);
function humanize(n, deltas) {
for (var i=0; i<deltas.length-1; i++) {
// If n would round to '60s', return '1m' instead.
var nextDeltaRounded =
if (nextDeltaRounded/deltas[i].delta >= 1) {
return Math.round(n/deltas[i].delta)+deltas[i].units;
var i = deltas.length-1;
return Math.round(n/deltas[i].delta)+deltas[i].units;
// localeTime formats the provided Date object in locale time and appends the timezone to the end.
sk.human.localeTime = function(date) {
// caching timezone could be buggy, especially if times from a wide range
// of dates are used. The main concern would be crossing over Daylight
// Savings time and having some times be erroneously in EST instead of
// EDT, for example
var str = date.toString();
var timezone = str.substring(str.indexOf("("));
return date.toLocaleString() + " " + timezone;
// Gets the epoch time in seconds. This is its own function to make it easier to mock. = function() {
return Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
// Namespace for utilities for working with arrays.
sk.array = {};
* Returns true if the two arrays are equal.
* Notes:
* Presumes the arrays are already in the same order.
* Compares equality using ===.
sk.array.equal = function(a, b) {
if (a.length != b.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Formats the given string, replacing newlines with <br/> and auto-linkifying URLs.
* References to bugs like "skia:123" and "chromium:123" are also converted into links.
* If linksInNewWindow is true, links are created with target="_blank".
sk.formatHTML = function(s, linksInNewWindow) {
var sub = '<a href="$&">$&</a>';
if (linksInNewWindow) {
sub = '<a href="$&" target="_blank">$&</a>';
s = s.replace(/https?:(\/\/|&#x2F;&#x2F;)[^ \t\n<]*/g, sub).replace(/(?:\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '<br/>');
return sk.linkifyBugs(s);
'chromium': '',
'skia': '',
* Formats bug references like "skia:123" and "chromium:123" into links.
sk.linkifyBugs = function(s) {
for (var project in PROJECTS_TO_ISSUETRACKERS) {
var re = new RegExp(project + ":[0-9]+", "g");
var found_bugs = s.match(re);
if (found_bugs) {
found_bugs.forEach(function(found_bug) {
var bug_number = found_bug.split(":")[1];
var bug_link = '<a href="' + PROJECTS_TO_ISSUETRACKERS[project] +
bug_number + '" target="_blank">' + found_bug +
s = s.replace(found_bug, bug_link);
return s;
sk.isGoogler = function(email) {
return email && email.endsWith("");
// Namespace for utilities for working with URL query strings.
sk.query = {};
// fromParamSet encodes an object of the form:
// {
// a:["2", "4"],
// b:["3"]
// }
// to a query string like:
// "a=2&a=4&b=3"
// This function handles URI encoding of both keys and values.
sk.query.fromParamSet = function(o) {
if (!o) {
return "";
var ret = [];
var keys = Object.keys(o).sort();
keys.forEach(function(key) {
o[key].forEach(function(value) {
ret.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));
return ret.join('&');
// toParamSet parses a query string into an object with
// arrays of values for the values. I.e.
// "a=2&b=3&a=4"
// decodes to
// {
// a:["2", "4"],
// b:["3"],
// }
// This function handles URI decoding of both keys and values.
sk.query.toParamSet = function(s) {
s = s || '';
var ret = {};
var vars = s.split("&");
for (var i=0; i<vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=", 2);
if (pair.length == 2) {
var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]);
var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
if (ret.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
} else {
ret[key] = [value];
return ret;
// fromObject takes an object and encodes it into a query string.
// The reverse of this function is toObject.
sk.query.fromObject = function(o) {
var ret = [];
Object.keys(o).sort().forEach(function(key) {
if (Array.isArray(o[key])) {
o[key].forEach(function(value) {
ret.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value));
} else if (typeof(o[key]) == 'object') {
ret.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(sk.query.fromObject(o[key])));
} else {
ret.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(o[key]));
return ret.join('&');
// toObject decodes a query string into an object
// using the 'target' as a source for hinting on the types
// of the values.
// "a=2&b=true"
// decodes to:
// {
// a: 2,
// b: true,
// }
// When given a target of:
// {
// a: 1.0,
// b: false,
// }
// Note that a target of {} would decode
// the same query string into:
// {
// a: "2",
// b: "true",
// }
// Only Number, String, Boolean, Object, and Array of String hints are supported.
sk.query.toObject = function(s, target) {
var target = target || {};
var ret = {};
var vars = s.split("&");
for (var i=0; i<vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=", 2);
if (pair.length == 2) {
var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]);
var value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
switch (typeof(target[key])) {
case 'boolean':
ret[key] = value=="true";
case 'number':
ret[key] = Number(value);
case 'object': // Arrays report as 'object' to typeof.
if (Array.isArray(target[key])) {
var r = ret[key] || [];
ret[key] = r;
} else {
ret[key] = sk.query.toObject(value, target[key]);
case 'string':
ret[key] = value;
ret[key] = value;
} else {
ret[key] = value;
return ret;
// splitAmp returns the given query string as a newline
// separated list of key value pairs. If sepator is not
// provided newline will be used.
sk.query.splitAmp = function(queryStr, separator) {
separator = (separator) ? separator : '\n';
queryStr = queryStr || "";
return queryStr.split('&').join(separator);
// Namespace for utilities for working with Objects.
sk.object = {};
// Returns true if a and b are equal, covers Boolean, Number, String and
// Arrays and Objects.
sk.object.equals = function(a, b) {
if (typeof(a) != typeof(b)) {
return false
var ta = typeof(a);
if (ta == 'string' || ta == 'boolean' || ta == 'number') {
return a === b
if (ta == 'object') {
if (Array.isArray(ta)) {
return JSON.stringify(a) == JSON.stringify(b)
} else {
return sk.query.fromObject(a) == sk.query.fromObject(b)
// Returns an object with only values that are in o that are different
// from d.
// Only works shallowly, i.e. only diffs on the attributes of
// o and d, and only for the types that sk.object.equals supports.
sk.object.getDelta = function (o, d) {
var ret = {};
Object.keys(o).forEach(function(key) {
if (!sk.object.equals(o[key], d[key])) {
ret[key] = o[key];
return ret;
// Returns a copy of object o with values from delta if they exist.
sk.object.applyDelta = function (delta, o) {
var ret = {};
Object.keys(o).forEach(function(key) {
if (delta.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret[key] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(delta[key]));
} else {
ret[key] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o[key]));
return ret;
// Returns a shallow copy (top level keys) of the object.
sk.object.shallowCopy = function(o) {
var ret = {};
for(var k in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
ret[k] = o[k];
return ret;
// Namespace for utilities for working with structured keys.
// See /go/query for a description of structured keys.
sk.key = {};
// Returns true if paramName=paramValue appears in the given structured key.
sk.key.matches = function(key, paramName, paramValue) {
return key.indexOf("," + paramName + "=" + paramValue + ",") >= 0;
// Parses the structured key and returns a populated object with all
// the param names and values.
sk.key.toObject = function(key) {
var ret = {};
key.split(",").forEach(function(s, i) {
if (i == 0 ) {
if (s === "") {
var parts = s.split("=");
if (parts.length != 2) {
ret[parts[0]] = parts[1];
return ret;
// Track the state of a page and reflect it to and from the URL.
// page - An object with a property 'state' where the state to be reflected
// into the URL is stored. We need the level of indirection because
// JS doesn't have pointers.
// The 'state' must be on Object and all the values in the Object
// must be Number, String, Boolean, Object, or Array of String.
// Doesn't handle NaN, null, or undefined.
// cb - A callback of the form function() that is called when state has been
// changed by a change in the URL.
sk.stateReflector = function(page, cb) {
// The default state of the page. Used to calculate diffs to state.
var defaultState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(page.state));
// The last state of the page. Used to determine if the page state has changed recently.
var lastState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(page.state));
// Watch for state changes and reflect them in the URL by simply
// polling the object and looking for differences from defaultState.
setInterval(function() {
if (Object.keys(sk.object.getDelta(lastState, page.state)).length > 0) {
lastState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(page.state));
var q = sk.query.fromObject(sk.object.getDelta(page.state, defaultState));
history.pushState(null, "", window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + "?" + q);
}, 100);
// stateFromURL should be called when the URL has changed, it updates
// the page.state and triggers the callback.
var stateFromURL = function() {
var delta = sk.query.toObject(, defaultState);
page.state = sk.object.applyDelta(delta, defaultState);
lastState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(page.state));
// When we are loaded we should update the state from the URL.
// We check to see if we are running Polymer 0.5, in which case
// we need to wait for Polymer to finish initializing, otherwise
// we can just wait for DomReady.
if (window["Polymer"] && Polymer.version[0] == "0") {
} else {
// Every popstate event should also update the state.
window.addEventListener('popstate', stateFromURL);
// Find a "round" number in the given range. Attempts to find numbers which
// consist of a multiple of one of the following, order of preference:
// [5, 2, 1], followed by zeroes.
// TODO(borenet): It would be nice to support other multiples, for example,
// when dealing with time data, it'd be nice to round to seconds, minutes,
// hours, days, etc.
sk.getRoundNumber = function(min, max, base) {
if (min > max) {
throw ("sk.getRoundNumber: min > max! (" + min + " > " + max + ")");
var multipleOf = [5, 2, 1];
var val = (max + min) / 2;
// Determine the number of digits left of the decimal.
if (!base) {
base = 10;
var digits = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(val)) / Math.log(base)) + 1;
// Start with just the most significant digit and attempt to round it to
// multiples of the above numbers, gradually including more digits until
// a "round" value is found within the given range.
for (var shift = 0; ; shift++) {
// Round by shifting digits and dividing by a multiplier, then performing
// the round function, then multiplying and shifting back.
var shiftDiv = Math.pow(base, (digits - shift));
for (var i = 0; i < multipleOf.length; i++) {
var f = shiftDiv * multipleOf[i];
// Actually perform the rounding. The 10s are included to intentionally
// reduce precision to round off floating point error.
var newVal = ((Math.round(val / f) * 10) * f) / 10;
if (newVal >= min && newVal <= max) {
return newVal;
console.error("sk.getRoundNumber Couldn't find appropriate rounding " +
"value. Returning midpoint.");
return val;
// Sort the given array of strings, ignoring case.
sk.sortStrings = function(s) {
return s.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.localeCompare(b, "en", {"sensitivity": "base"});
// Capitalize each word in the string.
sk.toCapWords = function(s) {
return s.replace(/\b\w/g, function(firstLetter) {
return firstLetter.toUpperCase();
// Truncate the given string to the given length. If the string was
// shortened, change the last three characters to ellipsis.
sk.truncate = function(str, len) {
if (str.length > len) {
var ellipsis = "..."
return str.substring(0, len - ellipsis.length) + ellipsis;
return str
// Return a 32 bit hash for the given string.
// This is a super simple hash (h = h * 31 + x_i) currently used
// for things like assigning colors to graphs based on trace ids. It
// shouldn't be used for anything more serious than that.
sk.hashString = function(s) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + s.charCodeAt(i);
hash |= 0;
return Math.abs(hash);
// Returns the string with all instances of &,<,>,",',/
// replaced with their html-safe equivilents.
// See OWASP doc
sk.escapeHTML = function(s) {
return s.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#x27;')
.replace(/\//g, '&#x2F;');
// Returns true if the sorted arrays a and b
// contain at least one element in common
sk.sharesElement = function(a, b) {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
while (i < a.length && j < b.length) {
if (a[i] < b[j]) {
} else if (b[j] < a[i]) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
// robust_get finds a sub object within 'obj' by following the path
// in 'idx'. It will not throw an error if any sub object is missing
// but instead return 'undefined'. 'idx' has to be an array.
sk.robust_get = function(obj, idx) {
if (!idx || !obj) {
for(var i=0, len=idx.length; i<len; i++) {
if ((typeof obj === 'undefined') || (typeof idx[i] === 'undefined')) {
return; // returns 'undefined'
obj = obj[idx[i]];
return obj;
// Utility function for colorHex.
function _hexify(i) {
var s = i.toString(16).toUpperCase();
// Pad out to two hex digits if necessary.
if (s.length < 2) {
s = '0' + s;
return s;
// colorHex returns a hex representation of a given color pixel as a string.
// 'colors' is an array of bytes that contain pixesl in RGBA format.
// 'offset' is the offset of the pixel of interest.
sk.colorHex = function(colors, offset) {
return '#'
+ _hexify(colors[offset+0])
+ _hexify(colors[offset+1])
+ _hexify(colors[offset+2])
+ _hexify(colors[offset+3]);
// colorRGB returns the given RGBA pixel as a 4-tupel of decimal numbers.
// 'colors' is an array of bytes that contain pixesl in RGBA format.
// 'offset' is the offset of the pixel of interest.
// 'rawAlpha' will return the alpha value directly if true. Otherwise it will
// be normalized to [0...1].
sk.colorRGB = function(colors, offset, rawAlpha) {
var scaleAlpha = (rawAlpha) ? 1 : 255;
return "rgba(" + colors[offset] + ", " +
colors[offset + 1] + ", " +
colors[offset + 2] + ", " +
colors[offset + 3] / scaleAlpha + ")";
// Polyfill for String.startsWith from
// returns true iff the string starts with the given prefix
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position) {
position = position || 0;
return this.indexOf(searchString, position) === position;
return sk;