blob: 4212c7acd52b434f1a8bdee5a5170b3c9313d200 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
Program for automating creation and setup of Swarming bot VMs.
import (
const (
GS_URL_GITCONFIG = "gs://skia-buildbots/artifacts/bots/.gitconfig"
GS_URL_NETRC = "gs://skia-buildbots/artifacts/bots/.netrc"
USER_CHROME_BOT = "chrome-bot"
var (
// Flags.
instances = flag.String("instances", "", "Which instances to create/delete, eg. \"2,3-10,22\"")
create = flag.Bool("create", false, "Create the instance. Either --create or --delete is required.")
ct = flag.Bool("skia-ct", false, "If true, this is a bot in the SkiaCT pool.")
delete = flag.Bool("delete", false, "Delete the instance. Either --create or --delete is required.")
deleteDataDisk = flag.Bool("delete-data-disk", false, "Delete the data disk. Only valid with --delete")
gpu = flag.Bool("gpu", false, "Whether or not to add an NVIDIA Tesla k80 GPU on the instance(s)")
ignoreExists = flag.Bool("ignore-exists", false, "Do not fail out when creating a resource which already exists or deleting a resource which does not exist.")
internal = flag.Bool("internal", false, "Whether or not the bots are internal.")
skylake = flag.Bool("skylake", false, "Whether or not the instance(s) should use Intel Skylake CPUs.")
windows = flag.Bool("windows", false, "Whether or not the bots run Windows.")
workdir = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Working directory.")
// Base configs for Swarming GCE instances.
func Swarming20170523(name, ipAddress string) *gce.Instance {
return &gce.Instance{
BootDisk: &gce.Disk{
Name: name,
SourceImage: "skia-swarming-v3",
DataDisk: &gce.Disk{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-data", name),
SizeGb: 300,
ExternalIpAddress: ipAddress,
Gpu: *gpu,
GSDownloads: map[string]string{},
MachineType: gce.MACHINE_TYPE_STANDARD_16,
Metadata: map[string]string{},
MetadataDownloads: map[string]string{},
Name: name,
Os: gce.OS_LINUX,
Scopes: []string{
Tags: []string{"http-server", "https-server"},
func Swarming20170615(name, serviceAccount string) *gce.Instance {
return &gce.Instance{
BootDisk: &gce.Disk{
Name: name,
SourceImage: "skia-swarming-v3",
DataDisk: &gce.Disk{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-data", name),
SizeGb: 300,
Gpu: *gpu,
GSDownloads: map[string]string{},
MachineType: gce.MACHINE_TYPE_STANDARD_16,
Metadata: map[string]string{},
MetadataDownloads: map[string]string{},
Name: name,
Os: gce.OS_LINUX,
ServiceAccount: serviceAccount,
Scopes: []string{
Tags: []string{"use-swarming-auth"},
// Configs for Linux GCE instances.
func AddLinuxConfigs(vm *gce.Instance) *gce.Instance {
vm.GSDownloads["/home/chrome-bot/.gitconfig"] = GS_URL_GITCONFIG
vm.GSDownloads["/home/chrome-bot/.netrc"] = GS_URL_NETRC
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
dir := path.Dir(filename)
vm.SetupScript = path.Join(dir, "")
return vm
// Linux GCE instances.
func LinuxSwarmingBot(num int) *gce.Instance {
return AddLinuxConfigs(Swarming20170615(fmt.Sprintf("skia-gce-%03d", num), gce.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CHROMIUM_SWARM))
// Internal Linux GCE instances.
func InternalLinuxSwarmingBot(num int) *gce.Instance {
vm := AddLinuxConfigs(Swarming20170615(fmt.Sprintf("skia-i-gce-%03d", num), gce.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CHROME_SWARMING))
vm.MetadataDownloads["/home/chrome-bot/.gitcookies"] = fmt.Sprintf(metadata.METADATA_URL, "project", "gitcookies_skia-internal_chromium")
return vm
// Skia CT bots.
func SkiaCTBot(num int) *gce.Instance {
vm := AddLinuxConfigs(Swarming20170615(fmt.Sprintf("skia-ct-gce-%03d", num), gce.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CHROMIUM_SWARM))
vm.DataDisk.SizeGb = 3000
return vm
// Configs for Windows GCE instances.
func AddWinConfigs(vm *gce.Instance, pw, setupScriptPath, startupScriptPath, chromebotScript string) *gce.Instance {
vm.BootDisk.SizeGb = 300
vm.BootDisk.SourceImage = "projects/"
vm.DataDisk = nil
// Most of the Windows setup, including the gitcookies, occurs in the
// setup and startup scripts, which also install and schedule the
// chrome-bot scheduled task script.
vm.Metadata["chromebot-schtask-ps1"] = chromebotScript
vm.Os = gce.OS_WINDOWS
vm.Password = pw
vm.SetupScript = setupScriptPath
vm.StartupScript = startupScriptPath
return vm
// Windows GCE instances.
func WinSwarmingBot(num int, pw, setupScriptPath, startupScriptPath, chromebotScript string) *gce.Instance {
vm := Swarming20170615(fmt.Sprintf("skia-gce-%03d", num), gce.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CHROMIUM_SWARM)
return AddWinConfigs(vm, pw, setupScriptPath, startupScriptPath, chromebotScript)
// Internal Windows GCE instances.
func InternalWinSwarmingBot(num int, pw, setupScriptPath, startupScriptPath, chromebotScript string) *gce.Instance {
vm := Swarming20170615(fmt.Sprintf("skia-i-gce-%03d", num), gce.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CHROME_SWARMING)
return AddWinConfigs(vm, pw, setupScriptPath, startupScriptPath, chromebotScript)
// GCE instances with GPUs.
func AddGpuConfigs(vm *gce.Instance) *gce.Instance {
vm.Gpu = true
vm.MachineType = gce.MACHINE_TYPE_STANDARD_8 // Max 8 CPUs when using a GPU.
vm.MaintenancePolicy = gce.MAINTENANCE_POLICY_TERMINATE // Required for GPUs.
return vm
// GCE instances with Skylake CPUs.
func AddSkylakeConfigs(vm *gce.Instance) *gce.Instance {
vm.MinCpuPlatform = gce.CPU_PLATFORM_SKYLAKE
return vm
// Returns the initial chrome-bot password, plus setup, startup, and
// chrome-bot scripts.
func getWindowsStuff(workdir string) (string, string, string, string, error) {
pw, err := exec.RunCwd(".", "gsutil", "cat", "gs://skia-buildbots/artifacts/bots/win-chrome-bot.txt")
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
pw = strings.TrimSpace(pw)
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
repoRoot := path.Dir(path.Dir(path.Dir(path.Dir(filename))))
setupBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(repoRoot, "scripts", "win_setup.ps1"))
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
setupScript := strings.Replace(string(setupBytes), "CHROME_BOT_PASSWORD", pw, -1)
setupPath := path.Join(workdir, "setup-script.ps1")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(setupPath, []byte(setupScript), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
netrcContents, err := exec.RunCwd(".", "gsutil", "cat", "gs://skia-buildbots/artifacts/bots/.netrc")
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
setupScript = strings.Replace(setupScript, "INSERTFILE(/tmp/.netrc)", string(netrcContents), -1)
gitconfigContents, err := exec.RunCwd(".", "gsutil", "cat", "gs://skia-buildbots/artifacts/bots/.gitconfig")
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
setupScript = strings.Replace(setupScript, "INSERTFILE(/tmp/.gitconfig)", string(gitconfigContents), -1)
startupBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(repoRoot, "scripts", "win_startup.ps1"))
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
startupScript := strings.Replace(string(startupBytes), "CHROME_BOT_PASSWORD", pw, -1)
startupPath := path.Join(workdir, "startup-script.ps1")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(startupPath, []byte(startupScript), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
// Return the chrome-bot script itself, not its path.
chromebotBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(repoRoot, "scripts", "chromebot-schtask.ps1"))
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", "", err
chromebotScript := util.ToDos(string(chromebotBytes))
return pw, setupPath, startupPath, chromebotScript, nil
func main() {
defer common.LogPanic()
// Validation.
if *create == *delete {
sklog.Fatal("Please specify --create or --delete, but not both.")
if *ct && *windows {
sklog.Fatal("--skia-ct and --windows are mutually exclusive.")
if *skylake && *gpu {
sklog.Fatal("--skylake and --gpu are mutually exclusive.")
instanceNums, err := util.ParseIntSet(*instances)
if err != nil {
if len(instanceNums) == 0 {
sklog.Fatal("Please specify at least one instance number via --instances.")
verb := "Creating"
if *delete {
verb = "Deleting"
sklog.Infof("%s instances: %v", verb, instanceNums)
// Get the absolute workdir.
wdAbs, err := filepath.Abs(*workdir)
if err != nil {
// Create the GCloud object.
zone := gce.ZONE_DEFAULT
if *gpu {
zone = gce.ZONE_GPU
} else if *skylake {
zone = gce.ZONE_SKYLAKE
g, err := gce.NewGCloud(zone, wdAbs)
if err != nil {
// Read the various Windows scripts.
var pw, setupScript, startupScript, chromebotScript string
if *windows {
pw, setupScript, startupScript, chromebotScript, err = getWindowsStuff(wdAbs)
if err != nil {
// Perform the requested operation.
group := util.NewNamedErrGroup()
for _, num := range instanceNums {
var vm *gce.Instance
if *ct {
vm = SkiaCTBot(num)
} else if *windows {
if *internal {
vm = InternalWinSwarmingBot(num, pw, setupScript, startupScript, chromebotScript)
} else {
vm = WinSwarmingBot(num, pw, setupScript, startupScript, chromebotScript)
} else {
if *internal {
vm = InternalLinuxSwarmingBot(num)
} else {
vm = LinuxSwarmingBot(num)
if *gpu {
} else if *skylake {
group.Go(vm.Name, func() error {
if *create {
if err := g.CreateAndSetup(vm, *ignoreExists); err != nil {
return err
if *windows {
// Reboot. The startup script enabled auto-login as chrome-bot
// on boot. Reboot in order to run chrome-bot's scheduled task.
if err := g.Reboot(vm); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Nothing to do.
} else {
return g.Delete(vm, *ignoreExists, *deleteDataDisk)
return nil
if err := group.Wait(); err != nil {