blob: 82354162070430856ae9f73647db5b2715c96e1c [file] [log] [blame]
* @module task-driver-sk
* @description <h2><code>task-driver-sk</code></h2>
* <p>
* This element displays information about a Task Driver.
* </p>
import { html, render } from 'lit-html'
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom'
import { localeTime, strDuration } from 'common-sk/modules/human'
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow'
import { errorMessage } from 'elements-sk/errorMessage'
import { upgradeProperty } from 'elements-sk/upgradeProperty'
import 'elements-sk/collapse-sk'
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons'
const tr = (contents) => html`<tr>${contents}</tr>`;
const td = (contents) => html`<td>${contents}</td>`;
const propLine = (k, v) => html`
function stepData(ele, s, d) {
switch(d.type) {
case "command":
return propLine("Command"," "));
case "httpRequest":
return propLine("HTTP Request",;
case "httpResponse":
return propLine("HTTP Response",;
case "log":
return propLine("Log (" + + ")", html`
<a href="${ele._logLink(,}" target="_blank">${}</a>
return "";
const stepProperties = (ele, s) => html`
<table class="properties">
? html`
${ &&
? propLine("Swarming Task", html`
<a href="${ + "/task?id=" + + "&show_raw=1"}" target="_blank">${}</a>
: ""
${ &&
? propLine("Swarming Bot", html`
<a href="${ + "/bot?id=" +}" target="_blank">${}</a>
: ""
? propLine("Task Scheduler", html`
<a href="${}" target="_blank">${}</a>
: ""
: ""
${s.isInfra ? propLine("Infra", s.isInfra) : ""}
${propLine("Started", ele._displayTime(s.started))}
${propLine("Finished", ele._displayTime(s.finished))}
? propLine("Environment", html`
${ => tr(td(env)))}
: ""
${ ? => stepData(ele, s, d)) : ""}
${propLine("Log (combined)", html`
<a href="${ele._logLink(}" target="_blank">all logs</a>
const stepChildren = (ele, s) => html`
<div class="vert children_link">
<a id="button_children_${}" @click=${(ev) => ele._toggleChildren(s)}>
${s.steps.length} Children
<collapse-sk id="children_${}" ?closed="${!s.expandChildren}">
${ => step(ele, s))}
const stepInner = (ele, s) => html`
<collapse-sk id="props_${}" ?closed="${!s.expandProps}">
${stepProperties(ele, s)}
${s.steps && s.steps.length > 0 ? stepChildren(ele, s) : ""}
const expando = (expanded) => html`<span class="expando">[${expanded ? "-" : "+"}]</span>`;
const step = (ele, s) => html`
<div class="${ele._stepClass(s)}">
<div class="vert">
<a class="horiz" id="button_props_${}" @click=${(ev) => ele._toggleProps(s)}>
<div class="${ele._stepNameClass(s)}">${}</div>
<div class="horiz duration">${ele._duration(s.started, s.finished)}</div>
${stepInner(ele, s)}
const template = (ele) => step(ele,;
window.customElements.define('task-driver-sk', class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._data = {};
connectedCallback() {
upgradeProperty(this, 'data');
_parseDate(ts) {
if (!ts) {
return null;
try {
let d = new Date(ts);
if (d.getFullYear() < 1970) {
return null;
return d;
} catch(e) {
return null;
_displayTime(ts) {
let d = this._parseDate(ts);
if (!d) {
return "-";
return localeTime(d);
_duration(started, finished) {
let startedDate = this._parseDate(started);
if (!startedDate) {
// PubSub messages may arrive out of order, so it's possible that we don't
// have a start timestemp for a step. Don't try to compute a duration in
// that case.
return "(no start time)";
let finishedDate = this._parseDate(finished);
if (!finishedDate) {
// If we don't have a finished timestamp for the step, we can assume that
// the step simply hasn't finished yet. Compute the duration of the step
// so far.
finishedDate = new Date();
// TODO(borenet): strDuration only gets down to seconds. It'd be nice to
// give millisecond precision.
let duration = strDuration((finishedDate.getTime() - startedDate.getTime()) / 1000);
return duration;
_toggleChildren(step) {
let collapse = document.getElementById("children_" +;
collapse.closed = !collapse.closed;
step.expandChildren = !collapse.closed;
_toggleProps(step) {
let collapse = document.getElementById("props_" +;
collapse.closed = !collapse.closed;
step.expandProps = !collapse.closed;
_logLink(stepId, logId) {
let link = "/logs/" + + "/" + stepId;
if (logId) {
link += "/" + logId;
return link
// Return true if the step is interesting, ie. it has a result other than
// SUCCESS (including not yet finished). The root step (which has no parent)
// is interesting by default.
_stepIsInteresting(step) {
if (!step.parent) {
return true
return step.result != "SUCCESS";
// Process the step data. Return true if the current step is interesting.
_process(step) {
// Sort the step data, so that the properties end up in a predictable order.
if ( {, b) {
if (a.type < b.type) {
return -1;
} else if (a.type > b.type) {
return 1;
if ( < {
return -1;
return 1;
// We expand the children of this step if this step is interesting AND if
// any of the children are interesting. Note that parent steps which do not
// inherit the failure of one of their children will not be considered
// interesting unless they fail for another reason.
let anyChildInteresting = false;
for (var i = 0; i < (step.steps || []).length; i++) {
if (this._process(step.steps[i])) {
anyChildInteresting = true;
let isInteresting = this._stepIsInteresting(step);
step.expandChildren = false;
if (isInteresting && anyChildInteresting) {
step.expandChildren = true;
// Step properties take up a lot of space on the screen. Only display them
// if the step is interesting AND it has no interesting children.
// Unsuccessful steps which have unsuccessful children are most likely to
// have inherited the result of their children and so their properties are
// not as important of those of the failed child step.
step.expandProps = isInteresting && !anyChildInteresting;
return isInteresting;
get data() { return this._data; }
set data(val) {
this._data = val;
_render() {
render(template(this), this, {eventContext: this});
_reload() {
.then((json) => {
this._data = json;
).catch((e) => {
errorMessage('Failed to load task driver', 10000); = {};
_stepClass(s) {
let res = s.result;
if (s.isInfra && s.result == "FAILURE") {
res = "EXCEPTION";
if (!res) {
res = "IN_PROGRESS";
return "step " + res;
_stepNameClass(s) {
if (s.parent) {
return "horiz h4";
return "horiz h2";