blob: a1c1e37a804b52a3ca37c68945cdb177253b8ca6 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module infra-sk/modules/login-sk
* @description <h2><code>login-sk</code></h2>
* <p>
* The <login-sk> custom element. Uses the Login promise to display the
* current login status and provides login/logout links. Reports errors via
* {@linkcode module:elements-sk/error-toast-sk}.
* </p>
import { errorMessage } from 'elements-sk/errorMessage';
import { Login } from '../login';
window.customElements.define('login-sk', class extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `<span class=email>Loading...</span><a class=logInOut></a>`;
Login.then(status => {
this.querySelector('.email').textContent = status.Email;
let logInOut = this.querySelector('.logInOut');
if (!status.Email) {
logInOut.href = status.LoginURL;
logInOut.textContent = 'Login';
} else {
logInOut.href = '' + encodeURIComponent(document.location);
logInOut.textContent = 'Logout';