blob: ddf35662a3147288f5180b272b80bfb9efd7370e [file] [log] [blame]
package sharedconfig
import (
// DataSource is a single ingestion source. Currently we use the convention
// that if 'bucket' is empty, we assume a source on the local file system.
type DataSource struct {
Bucket string // Bucket in Google storage. If empty local storage is assumed.
Dir string // Root directory of the data to ingest.
type IngesterConfig struct {
RunEvery config.Duration // How often the ingester should pull data from Google Storage.
NCommits int // Minimum number of commits that should be ingested.
MinDays int // Minimum number of days that should be covered by the ingested commits.
StatusDir string // Path where the ingest process keeps its status between restarts.
MetricName string // What to call this ingester's data when imported to Graphite
Sources []*DataSource // Input sources where the ingester reads from.
ExtraParams map[string]string // Any additional needed parameters (ingester specific)
// Config is a struct to configure multiple ingesters.
type Config struct {
GitRepoDir string // Directory location for the repo.
GitRepoURL string // Git URL of the repo.
SecondaryRepoURL string // URL of the secondary repo that has above as a dependency.
SecondaryRepoDir string // Directory location for the secondary repo.
SecondaryRegEx string // Regular expression to extract the commit hash from the DEPS file.
EventTopic string // PubSub topic on which global events are sent.
Ingesters map[string]*IngesterConfig
// ConfigFromJson5File parses a JSON5 file into a Config struct.
func ConfigFromJson5File(path string) (*Config, error) {
ret := &Config{}
if err := config.ParseConfigFile(path, "", ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil