blob: 060c0de740089744e2264de60969b0da8a00bfd0 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>Webpage results for '{{ fieldname }}'</title>
{% include "column_threshold_css.html" %}
<h2>Webpage results for '{{ fieldname }}'</h2>
<a href='{{ absolute_url }}index.html'>Back</a>
Discarded <b>{{ discarded_webpages|length }}</b> webpages because they were in the {{discard_outliers}}% outliers.
View discarded webpages <a href="#discarded_webpages">here</a>.<br/>
Total <b>{{ page_values|length }}</b> webpages displayed{% if total_archives %} (out of {{total_archives}} WPR archives){% endif %}.<br/>
Read <a href="">this</a> for an explanation of CT's accuracy of results.
<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<th>Page Name</th>
<th>Value with Patch</th>
<th>Percentage Change</th>
<th>Percentage Difference</th>
<th>Traces w/o patch</th>
<th>Traces with patch</th>
{% for page_value in page_values %}
<td>{{ page_value.page_name }} <a href="{{ page_value.pageset_link }}">pageset</a> <a href="{{ page_value.archive_link }}">archive</a></td>
<td>{{ page_value.value1|floatformat:"-3" }}</td>
<td>{{ page_value.value2|floatformat:"-3" }}</td>
<td {% if page_value.perc_diff <= 0 %}class="belowthreshold"{% else %}class="abovethreshold"{% endif %}>{{ page_value.perc_change|floatformat:"-3" }}%</td>
<td {% if page_value.perc_diff <= 0 %}class="belowthreshold"{% else %}class="abovethreshold"{% endif %}>{{ page_value.perc_diff|floatformat:"-3" }}%</td>
<td>{% for traceUrl in page_value.traceUrls1 %}<a href="{{traceUrl}}">trace{{forloop.counter}}</a>{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
<td>{% for traceUrl in page_value.traceUrls2 %}<a href="{{traceUrl}}">trace{{forloop.counter}}</a>{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}</td>
{% endfor %}
<a id="discarded_webpages"></a>
<b>Discarded webpages (were not included in totals calculations):</b>
{% if discarded_webpages %}
<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<th>Page Name</th>
<th>Value with Patch</th>
<th>Percentage Change</th>
<th>Percentage Difference</th>
{% for page_value in discarded_webpages %}
<td>{{ page_value.page_name }}</td>
<td>{{ page_value.value1|floatformat:"-3" }}</td>
<td>{{ page_value.value2|floatformat:"-3" }}</td>
<td {% if page_value.perc_diff <= 0 %}class="belowthreshold"{% else %}class="abovethreshold"{% endif %}>{{ page_value.perc_change|floatformat:"-3" }}%</td>
<td {% if page_value.perc_diff <= 0 %}class="belowthreshold"{% else %}class="abovethreshold"{% endif %}>{{ page_value.perc_diff|floatformat:"-3" }}%</td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}