blob: c7a5293b70cfef897509077c130374b8d6ca6449 [file] [log] [blame]
package internal
import (
pinpoint_proto ""
timestamppb ""
var benchmarkRunIterations = [...]int32{10, 20, 40, 80, 160}
func getMaxSampleSize() int32 {
return benchmarkRunIterations[len(benchmarkRunIterations)-1]
// bisectRunTracker stores all the running bisect runs.
// It keeps track of all the runs by indexes. The BisectRun will be updated from different
// future fulfillment. One can wait for a bisect run that's already triggered by a different
// bisection. This usually happens when the mid commit is computed and the result will be
// used for comparisions from both sides. This can also happen when one comparision requires
// more runs, and part of them is already triggered by another comparision.
type BisectRunIndex int
type bisectRunTracker struct {
runs []*BisectRun
func (t *bisectRunTracker) newRun(cc *midpoint.CombinedCommit) (BisectRunIndex, *BisectRun) {
r := newBisectRun(cc)
t.runs = append(t.runs, r)
return BisectRunIndex(len(t.runs) - 1), r
func (t bisectRunTracker) get(r BisectRunIndex) *BisectRun {
if r < 0 || int(r) >= len(t.runs) {
return nil
return t.runs[int(r)]
// CommitRangeTracker stores a commit range as [Lower, Higher].
// It stores bisect run as indexes as it needs to be serialized. The indexes
// are stable within the workflow thru bisectRunTracker.
type CommitRangeTracker struct {
Lower BisectRunIndex
Higher BisectRunIndex
// CloneWithHigher clones itself with the overriden higher index.
func (t CommitRangeTracker) CloneWithHigher(higher BisectRunIndex) CommitRangeTracker {
return CommitRangeTracker{
Lower: t.Lower,
Higher: higher,
// CloneWithHigher clones itself with the overriden lower index.
func (t CommitRangeTracker) CloneWithLower(lower BisectRunIndex) CommitRangeTracker {
return CommitRangeTracker{
Lower: lower,
Higher: t.Higher,
func newRunnerParams(jobID string, p workflows.BisectParams, it int32, cc *midpoint.CombinedCommit, finishedIteration int32) *SingleCommitRunnerParams {
return &SingleCommitRunnerParams{
CombinedCommit: cc,
PinpointJobID: jobID,
BotConfig: p.Request.Configuration,
Benchmark: p.Request.Benchmark,
Story: p.Request.Story,
Chart: p.Request.Chart,
AggregationMethod: p.Request.AggregationMethod,
Iterations: it,
FinishedIteration: finishedIteration,
BotIds: p.BotIds,
// BisectExecution is a mirror of pinpoint_proto.BisectExecution, with additional raw data.
// When this BisectExecution embeds pinpoint_proto.BisectExecution, it fails to store
// CommitPairValues and BisectRuns, which are used to curate the information for Catapult
// Pinpoint.
// TODO(b/322203189) - This is a temporary solution for backwards compatibilty to the
// Catapult UI and should be removed when the catapult package is deprecated.
type BisectExecution struct {
JobId string
Culprits []*pinpoint_proto.CombinedCommit
CreateTime *timestamppb.Timestamp
Comparisons []*CombinedResults
RunData []*BisectRun
// BisectWorkflow is a Workflow definition that takes a range of git hashes and finds the culprit.
func BisectWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, p *workflows.BisectParams) (be *BisectExecution, wkErr error) {
ctx = workflow.WithChildOptions(ctx, childWorkflowOptions)
ctx = workflow.WithActivityOptions(ctx, regularActivityOptions)
ctx = workflow.WithLocalActivityOptions(ctx, localActivityOptions)
logger := workflow.GetLogger(ctx)
jobID := uuid.New().String()
if p.JobID != "" {
jobID = p.JobID
be = &BisectExecution{
JobId: jobID,
Culprits: []*pinpoint_proto.CombinedCommit{},
CreateTime: timestamppb.Now(),
Comparisons: []*CombinedResults{},
mh := workflow.GetMetricsHandler(ctx).WithTags(map[string]string{
"job_id": jobID,
"user": p.Request.User,
"benchmark": p.Request.Benchmark,
"config": p.Request.Configuration,
"story": p.Request.Story,
wkStartTime := time.Now().UnixNano()
defer func() {
duration := time.Now().UnixNano() - wkStartTime
if wkErr != nil {
if errors.Is(ctx.Err(), workflow.ErrCanceled) || errors.Is(ctx.Err(), workflow.ErrDeadlineExceeded) {
if be != nil && len(be.Culprits) > 0 {
// Find the available bot list
if err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, FindAvailableBotsActivity, p.Request.Configuration, time.Now().UnixNano()).Get(ctx, &p.BotIds); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to find available bots")
magnitude := p.GetMagnitude()
improvementDir := p.GetImprovementDirection()
// minSampleSize is the minimum number of benchmark runs for each attempt
// Default is 10.
minSampleSize := p.GetInitialAttempt()
if minSampleSize < benchmarkRunIterations[0] {
logger.Warn("Initial attempt count %d is less than the default %d. Setting to default.", minSampleSize, benchmarkRunIterations[0])
minSampleSize = benchmarkRunIterations[0]
// schedulePairRuns is a helper function to schedule new benchmark runs from two BisectRun.
// It captures common local variable and attempts to make the code cleaner in the for-loop below.
schedulePairRuns := func(lower, higher *BisectRun) (workflow.ChildWorkflowFuture, workflow.ChildWorkflowFuture, error) {
expected := nextRunSize(lower, higher, minSampleSize)
lf, err := lower.scheduleRuns(ctx, jobID, *p, expected-lower.totalRuns())
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("Failed to schedule more runs.", "commit", lower.Build.Commit, "error", err)
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
hf, err := higher.scheduleRuns(ctx, jobID, *p, expected-higher.totalRuns())
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("Failed to schedule more runs.", "commit", higher.Build.Commit, "error", err)
return nil, nil, err
return lf, hf, nil
// The buffer size should be big enough to process incoming comparisons.
// The comparision is usually handled right away in the next Select().
// Also, comparisons.Send happens in a goroutine because the receiving happens
// in the same thread as Select(), and it needs to be non-blocking.
comparisons := workflow.NewBufferedChannel(ctx, 100)
tracker := bisectRunTracker{}
// pendings keeps track of all the ongoing benchmarks and comparisons.
// It counts the number of messages in the comparisons channel and the number of
// all the futures that are in flight. Because we generate new comparison and new
// futures as we go, this number is dynamic and has to be computed when it is
// running.
// There will be two cases when we increase this counter:
// 1) a new future is added to the selector so we need to wait for its fulfillment;
// 2) a new comparison is sent to the channel so we need to wait for its process.
// The counter will be decresed when either of the above is processed.
pendings := 0
// selector is used to implement the concurrent bisections in a non-blocking manner.
// the single commit runner is tracked by the future and it inserts a message into
// the channel to be processed after the runner completes. The channel receives the
// message to bisect commits. selector continues to run to process all the messages
// and futures, until the pendings is decreased to 0, in which case, there is no
// further messages or future to wait for.
// selector's callback is run in the same thread so we don't need to worry about
// race conditions here.
selector := workflow.NewSelector(ctx)
// TODO(b/326352379): The errors are not handled here because they are running concurently.
// Each error may interrupt the other or may continue the rest.
selector.AddReceive(comparisons, func(c workflow.ReceiveChannel, more bool) {
for {
// cr needs to be created every time in the for-loop as the code below captures this
// variable in Go-routines.
var cr CommitRangeTracker
if !c.ReceiveAsync(&cr) {
lower, higher := tracker.get(cr.Lower), tracker.get(cr.Higher)
compareResult, err := compareRuns(ctx, lower, higher, p.Request.Chart, magnitude, improvementDir)
// The compare fails but we continue to bisect for the remainings.
// TODO(sunxiaodi@): Revisit compare runs error handling. compare.ComparePerformance
// and compare.CompareFunctional should not return error but are written to return error.
// GetAllValues also does not return error, so that means there are no errors passed around
// these functions.
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to compare runs: %v", err))
be.Comparisons = append(be.Comparisons, compareResult)
result := compareResult.Result
switch result.Verdict {
case compare.Unknown:
// Only push to stack if less than getMaxSampleSize(). At normalized magnitudes
// < 0.4, it is possible to get to the max sample size and still reach an unknown
// verdict. Running more samples is too expensive. Instead, assume the two samples
// are the statistically similar.
// assumes that cr.Lower and cr.Higher will have the same number of runs
if len(lower.Runs) >= int(getMaxSampleSize()) {
// TODO(haowoo@): add metric to measure this occurrence
logger.Warn("reached unknown verdict with p-value %d and sample size of %d", result.PValue, len(lower.Runs))
lf, hf, err := schedulePairRuns(lower, higher)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to schedule more runs (%v)", err))
futures := append(lower.totalPendings(), higher.totalPendings()...)
selector.AddFuture(common.NewFutureWithFutures(ctx, futures...), func(f workflow.Future) {
err := lower.updateRuns(ctx, lf)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to update lower runs for (%v): %v", lower.Build.Commit, err))
err = higher.updateRuns(ctx, hf)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to update higher runs for (%v): %v", higher.Build.Commit, err))
workflow.Go(ctx, func(gCtx workflow.Context) {
comparisons.Send(gCtx, cr)
case compare.Different:
var mid *midpoint.CombinedCommit
if err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, FindMidCommitActivity, lower.Build.Commit, higher.Build.Commit).Get(ctx, &mid); err != nil {
logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to find middle commit: %v", err))
var equal bool
if err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, CheckCombinedCommitEqualActivity, lower.Build.Commit, mid).Get(ctx, &equal); err != nil {
logger.Warn("Failed to determine equality between two combined commits")
if equal {
// TODO(b/329502712): Append additional info to bisectionExecution
// such as p-values, average difference
be.Culprits = append(be.Culprits, (*pinpoint_proto.CombinedCommit)(higher.Build.Commit))
midRunIdx, midRun := tracker.newRun(mid)
mf, err := midRun.scheduleRuns(ctx, be.JobId, *p, nextRunSize(lower, midRun, minSampleSize))
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to schedule more runs for (%v): %v", mid, err))
selector.AddFuture(mf, func(f workflow.Future) {
err := midRun.updateRuns(ctx, mf)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to update runs for (%v): %v", mid, err))
workflow.Go(ctx, func(gCtx workflow.Context) {
comparisons.Send(gCtx, cr.CloneWithHigher(midRunIdx))
comparisons.Send(gCtx, cr.CloneWithLower(midRunIdx))
pendings = pendings + 2
// Schedule the first pair and wait for all to finish before continuing.
lowerIdx, lower := tracker.newRun(midpoint.NewCombinedCommit(midpoint.NewChromiumCommit(p.Request.StartGitHash)))
higherIdx, higher := tracker.newRun(midpoint.NewCombinedCommit(midpoint.NewChromiumCommit(p.Request.EndGitHash)))
lf, hf, err := schedulePairRuns(lower, higher)
if err != nil {
// If we are able to schedule in the beginning, there is less chance we will fail in the middle.
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to schedule initial runs")
if err := lower.updateRuns(ctx, lf); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := higher.updateRuns(ctx, hf); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Send the first pair to the channel to process.
comparisons.SendAsync(CommitRangeTracker{Lower: lowerIdx, Higher: higherIdx})
// TODO(b/322203189): Store and order the new commits so that the data can be relayed
// to the UI
for pendings > 0 {
be.RunData = make([]*BisectRun, len(tracker.runs))
copy(be.RunData, tracker.runs)
return be, nil