blob: ce6c4565dea153772be13ff0d438f64e23dba460 [file] [log] [blame]
// A simple JS unit test to demonstrate the system.
// Note that you can run this test simply by running
// ./node_modules/.bin/grunt test
// But if you want to have Karma run continuously and rerun
// tests when it sees file change then you can run Karma
// directly and pass in the --no-single-run flag:
// ./node_modules/.bin/karma start --no-single-run
describe('Test our implementation of $$',
function() {
beforeEach(function() { });
afterEach(function() { });
// Add some HTML to the page we need for testing purposes.
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<p class=foo></p><p id=bar></p>';
function testFindByClass() {
// Assertions are handled by the Chai Assertion Library.
// Documentation:
assert.equal($$('.foo').length, 1, 'Can search by class name.')
function testFindByName() {
assert.equal($$('p').length, 2, 'Can search by element name.')
function testFindByID() {
assert.equal($$('#bar').length, 1, 'Can search by element id.')
// Bundle all tests under an 'it' call, which is part of Mocha.
it('should be able to query for elements', function() {